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  1. Cody

    Random Thoughts

    1) I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option. 2) More often than not, when someone is telling me a story all I can think about is that I can't wait for them to finish so that I can tell my own story that's not only better, but also more directly involves me. 3) Nothing sucks...
  2. Cody

    Where to live in Utah?

    My house is one block from the street with the highest crime rate in Utah, and I've never had a problem.
  3. Cody

    Where to live in Utah?

    I grew up in an LDS hood and never once felt discriminated against or made fun of. Mormon kids are spineless nerds so it never was an issue ;) I kid I kid. I didn't read this entire thread, but if I had to commute to Provo I would probably choose Alpine or somewhere near the entrance of...
  4. Cody

    Good trail camera

    Yes, we endangered her friends. Friends = coyotes and lizards. Her husband has always seemed like a pretty reasonable guy. Not sure how he ended up married to the poster child for bat-shit crazy soap dodging hippie women.
  5. Cody

    Good trail camera

    I would pick up something that takes SD cards and AA batteries. I have a little sony camera that I got for free, but I lost the battery charger and it takes a special Lithium battery. It also uses Sony memory sticks, so my arsenal of SD cards is useless.
  6. Cody

    Ever regret the sale of a vehicle?

    My buggy :(
  7. Cody

    Delta Airlines Destroys Bike and Refuses to Refund Anything

    That's lame. That's probably a 10k bike.
  8. Cody

    BBQ Pics?

    did the ninja straight shoot it?
  9. Cody

    Cell phones for your kids........(advice needed)

    I bought my first cell phone when I was between 16 and 17. I don't have any kids but I would have to say that somewhere around Jr. High age would be about right, with provisions. The usage control feature is a great idea. Sometimes I wish I could put that on my mom's phone.
  10. Cody

    Words and Phrases I HATE!!!

    Just ask me. :D
  11. Cody

    Words and Phrases I HATE!!!

    This is where I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with you. "That's what she said" jokes are timeless, classy, and funny. It's like 'your mom' jokes or Led Zeppelin songs. They will never grow old.
  12. Cody

    Anybody have some red rocks to spare?

    Yes. there is a quarry in the San Rafael...I think it's 25 bucks per trailer load. That's somewhat irritating to me since I've offered to pick him up and take him out places, and because I didn't show up to some fights at his place and opted for a more mellow alternative I became a friend that...
  13. Cody

    Anyone local stock Bilstein Shocks?

    thanks guys. I'll be on the horn tomorrow.
  14. Cody

    Anyone local stock Bilstein Shocks?

    I need a pair of these 5125's by Tuesday--Wednesday at the latest. Does anyone know off hand who keeps the 5125 stuff in stock? BE5-6249-H5 If I can't get them local I guess I'll try to get them shipped to me in time. Cody
  15. Cody

    Words and Phrases I HATE!!!

    I hate it when people call baseball a sport.
  16. Cody

    "We're not a gang.....gangs just want attention"

    Yup, except they had mid-evil weapons and chainmail. Did Stephen come by after his quest to rescue princess jezebelle from the rogue orc faction failed at the south pavilion?
  17. Cody

    Words and Phrases I HATE!!!

    "I resemble that" That has always bothered me. Also, any and every thing that comes out of Stephen's mouth.
  18. Cody


    hopefully everyone was ok...
  19. Cody

    Grenade shift knob

    I have some dana 44 stub shafts. They are basically grenades. Free.
  20. Cody

    Jeep Off-road Trailer?

    Those are pretty slick. I didn't see a price, any idea on the cost?