With the way I have iDrive setup I have a local copy of everything on each computer, then I backup whatever I want and I also sync some things between computers and the cloud, also keeping all data on all devices so it is available offline. So as long as my computers don't burn down at the same...
I've gone through this debate with myself for years and finally this year decided to pay for some cloud storage. We deal with a lot of hard drive backups at work and it actually takes a fair amount of maintenance. I decided I didn't want to deal with the cost and time to do it on my own, so I...
I've been reading the investing thread as well as the wish you knew thread and I keep thinking about posting, but I think here is the best place for my thoughts. I agree with much of what Kurt said. Due to having a pension from my employer, I'm eligible to retire at 58 or so (21 years from now...
It will keep going on as long as people let it. Once we ignore it and move on with our lives, ignoring the governments efforts to use the virus to control us, they will move on to other more productive ways to try and control us.