Search results

  1. Corban_White

    Home computer storage/backup

    With the way I have iDrive setup I have a local copy of everything on each computer, then I backup whatever I want and I also sync some things between computers and the cloud, also keeping all data on all devices so it is available offline. So as long as my computers don't burn down at the same...
  2. Corban_White

    Home computer storage/backup

    I've gone through this debate with myself for years and finally this year decided to pay for some cloud storage. We deal with a lot of hard drive backups at work and it actually takes a fair amount of maintenance. I decided I didn't want to deal with the cost and time to do it on my own, so I...
  3. Corban_White

    Your Pic of The Day

  4. Corban_White

    General Tech What did you work on Today?

    Helped my 11 year old son with his first custom rock crawler tube chassis build. :cool:
  5. Corban_White

    For Sale Storage unit clean out.

    Some quick looking on google tells me those helmets are probably too small for my 9 and 11 year old. How old were your boys when they outgrew them?
  6. Corban_White

    For Sale Storage unit clean out.

    My kids need helmets, but I don't know what size they would be. Any idea on ballpark age they fit?
  7. Corban_White

    Let's talk about the F.I.R.E. movement (Financially Independent, Retire Early).

    I've been reading the investing thread as well as the wish you knew thread and I keep thinking about posting, but I think here is the best place for my thoughts. I agree with much of what Kurt said. Due to having a pension from my employer, I'm eligible to retire at 58 or so (21 years from now...
  8. Corban_White

    Your Pic of The Day

  9. Corban_White


    It will keep going on as long as people let it. Once we ignore it and move on with our lives, ignoring the governments efforts to use the virus to control us, they will move on to other more productive ways to try and control us.
  10. Corban_White

    Garage wall sheeting & storage ideas

    PVC will be fine for the vacuum. Central vacuums use thin wall PVC.
  11. Corban_White

    Your Pic of The Day

  12. Corban_White

    Christmas music

    Oh man, I LOVE Christmas music! Some of my favorites:
  13. Corban_White

    Epic food porn

    Oh, it was a fill, empty, repeat kind of thing. :cool:
  14. Corban_White

    Epic food porn

  15. Corban_White

    Your Pic of The Day

  16. Corban_White

    Your Pic of The Day

    We went to the Uintas for about 10 years. The last few we've been going to Idaho. :rofl:
  17. Corban_White


    My neighbor works there too. I can vouch for them.
  18. Corban_White

    Winter ride

    I might be able to do the 23.
  19. Corban_White

    Your Pic of The Day

    This is how much cheese is left in the bottle when no more will come out. Luckily I have an air compressor so it didn't have to go to waste. 😉