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  1. shmoesmith

    Spring over

    *lol* I just saw that you work at RRO *loL* oh well. Glen is my pal, and he has done some great work for me on my tracker(its the one you guys use for 99+tracker mods) but I have to say, unless you are getting an employee discount and are short on cash, the trailtough kit is better. Glen does...
  2. shmoesmith

    Spring over

    Oh yeah, Trail Tough uses a bit different shock mounting setup than other venders that is supposed to be alot more stable and their spring perches are way way beefier that most. Their kit flexes quit nicely as you can see.(taken from moab rim)
  3. shmoesmith

    Spring over

    The answer is a most definate NO! Several websites even reference how it is dangerous and bad to cut and turn sammy knuckles. Trust me on this, go SPOA with trail toughs kit (much more solid than RRO) and you get highsteer...Way nice kit, installs ina breeze...I just ran my SPOA sammy up moab...
  4. shmoesmith

    2004 1/2 Jeep TJ/L (Wrangler Unlimited)

    yeah, I'm a zuk guy, but i think they are way cool..*if* i was in the market for a jeep, that would be the one I would buy
  5. shmoesmith

    Spring over-----Spring under

    get a new beefier spoa perch...My SPOA perches were WAY beefier than stock, and they need to be. The reason is because on a SPOA axle configueration MUCH more leverage is placed against the springs (reason they flex WAY better than spring under)but because of that extra leverage you will need...
  6. shmoesmith

    AF Canyon Service Projects

    Yeah, me too...but I need LOTS of notice. getting off work on a weekend is extremely difficult for me, and getting a vacation day is evern harder..often if I want a weekend day off, I will have to actually pay somone to take my shift :(
  7. shmoesmith

    "Oxygen Theif of the Day"

    My buddy in law enforcement is checking into whether or not we can set something up like the neighborhood pace car deal, but for the trails. In the neighborhood pace car deal, someone who has been trained and certified can drive behind you and 'pace' you and if they find you are speeding they...
  8. shmoesmith

    "Oxygen Theif of the Day"

    CAN WE PLEASE MAKE THIS A TOP STICKY IN THE LAND USE FORUM TITLED SOMTHING LIKE 'TURNING IN LAND ABUSE OFFENDERS' So those of us that do get pictures can easily get back to this message with the link and info on where to send our pics...
  9. shmoesmith

    "Oxygen Theif of the Day"

    What ever happened to a citizens arrest type of deal? can this be utilized in a way where we can issue a ticket if we have them available?....will see if I can chck with my buddy in law enforcement to see if we can do this.If we can, we may be able to issue tickets ourselves on behalf of law...
  10. shmoesmith

    "Oxygen Theif of the Day"

    I agree...however the "trail patrol' magnetic stickers and shirts are a great idea..your average shmuck that is violating the law probably wouldnt even realize that it wasnt an official division of the forrest service. :rofl: Seriously though..many people arent going to change their behavior...
  11. shmoesmith

    "Oxygen Theif of the Day"

    This little guy was chittering like mad when I found him lost in the old air intake in my engine...poor little bugger..Dont know how he found his way in there, but he was pretty scared.....just thought would post him cause he was breathing/stealing my engines oxygen!!!!Muahahahah :rofl: little...
  12. shmoesmith

    "Oxygen Theif of the Day"

    yeah, this is one of the pics we got of one of the groups of people cutting through the bog at forest lake....didtn get any of them in the water you can see from the size of the group, part of the problem is getting out numbered :(
  13. shmoesmith

    forest lake

    I know..there are no signs...that is part of the problem. If the forest service is going to make parts of somewhere as popular as forest lake off limits they need to put signs up....HOWEVER they were driving everywhere over all the grass, etc where ther were already signs stating no motorized...
  14. shmoesmith

    forest lake

    OK guys I went camping at forest lake this weekend..and there were probably 12-16 jeeps &buggies that came up on saturday morning alone that all went through the giant bogg, and were cutting in and out fo the lake. From what I understand, that large section is OFF LIMITS and so is the...
  15. shmoesmith

    Moab Over Memorial

    looks like great fun. Wish I would have gone :(
  16. shmoesmith

    i want new meats!

    Listen man, these tires get great reviews and are CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP...lots of 4x4 people swear by them and think their all terain is better than the bfg and that their mud is better than the mtr. They have had smoe really good reviews on pirate and on some other 4x4 web sites..give them a try...
  17. shmoesmith

    kudos to petroworks clutch for suzuki guys!

    yEAH, I have that clutch as well...apparently it is literally the best on the market, i t has been shown to out-perform the centerforce II dual friction clutch on quite a few occasion...the clutch WILL NOT SLIP OR WEAR OUT....****HOWEVER****I have been advised that by using this clutch you will...
  18. shmoesmith

    Moab trip...

  19. shmoesmith

    Moab trip...

    In all due respect, gtidriver has a very good point...This particular spot on the waterfall is ALWAYS black from people driving up it. When you look at it, you can see clearly that many people drive that way. All other areas of PS that have black marks going where they shouldnt have clearly...
  20. shmoesmith

    broken axle

    holy cow m8.....shouldnt the spool be stronger than the axle or something? Did you get that at Trail Tough or AAPA? Does it have a warranty?