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  1. Jinx

    Teraflex IR

    Classy thing to do. (As always ;))
  2. Jinx

    Your Pic of The Day

    Man, I have been on here for forever and I think I missed this one...
  3. Jinx

    New tow pig

    Love that year of Chevy, reminds me of the 1972 pick up... Great find!
  4. Jinx

    Gun Control

    Ok I never know where to post stuff but here seems to fit.
  5. Jinx

    Gun Control

    Just remember with the upcoming election and basic economics tell you sooner than later is better... (And you aren’t the only one thinking this way, so prices are going up!)
  6. Jinx

    Gun Control

    remember any gun they can't control they will control how you use it. think ammo, reloading supplies, etc...
  7. Jinx

    Your Pic of The Day

    Ok you win.
  8. Jinx

    WERock Grand Nationals in Cedar City, UT 9/12-13

    Sounds AWESOME!!! Congratulations! Lots of blood, sweat, time, and tears. I Love it when our local team does so well! Love the kids on the Podium too!
  9. Jinx

    WERock Grand Nationals in Cedar City, UT 9/12-13

    Well how did you boys do? Update please! :D
  10. Jinx

    For Sale Parts for sale

    That hydro clutch assembly could be a cool upgrade for a CJ with a manual clutch linkage.
  11. Jinx

    General Tech What did you work on Today?

    Good to see you up and doing what you want. :D
  12. Jinx

    Wanted Dana 300 wanted

    Cough. Cough. Atlas, Cough, Time for an Atlas... Cough... (someone had to say it...) :D
  13. Jinx

    Spaggyroe's scratch built early Bronco build.

    Man this thread is kind of like a good sign for the week. I see it and I know am ready for a good week. Thanks for sharing the updates! Amazing job on this build!
  14. Jinx

    Jeep 4xE and Wagoneer release

    The big difference between the 4XE and the volt, the volt (I believe) is electric only, so you are always worried about when are you going to run out of charge (Range Anxiety), The 4XE system will simply change back over to gas when the electric charge runs out...
  15. Jinx

    Jeep 4xE and Wagoneer release

    I am curious what that range changes to with a lift and 37"s :D
  16. Jinx

    Jeep 4xE and Wagoneer release

    I think a lot of people will miss what this really means for the guy who wants to daily drive a Jeep... For example, If I charge the battery overnight at home, I get 25 of my 38 mile commute for almost free. Because my work offers free charging for Electric Vehicles, which the Wrangler would...
  17. Jinx

    Next get together at Cody's/Bewilder?

    There are a couple more things on the menu I need to try and so I thought I would check...
  18. Jinx

    Jared memorial run November 13-14th.

    I think this is a great goal to get my rig back together for!
  19. Jinx

    WERock Grand Nationals in Cedar City, UT 9/12-13

    Thanks for posting this and good luck at the event! :)
  20. Jinx


    Yep, Trumps fault and if you send in federal troops people really freak!... :rolleyes: