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  1. Jay5.9L

    Recommended company for insulation?

    I just had mine done. Hit me on a PM and I’ll dig out the the info
  2. Jay5.9L

    David Freiburger Loot

    Big fan of the Road Kill universe. Even junk yard gold although the guys speach pattern is a bit weird. DF seems like a good chill guy. We need more shows with decent dudes having fun and no fake drama.
  3. Jay5.9L

    Lighten the mood

    Anyone want a Anus monitor.
  4. Jay5.9L

    Today I Want This....

    Someone buy this and make a cool crawler rescue truck 6 wheeled power waggy
  5. Jay5.9L

    Today I Want This....

    That’s adorable. A race series is a must
  6. Jay5.9L

    Today I Want This....

    Found it
  7. Jay5.9L

    Today I Want This....

    It’s a few blocks away from my parents. I’m tempted to go take a look just because it’s cool
  8. Jay5.9L

    Today I Want This....

    This beast has so much potential.
  9. Jay5.9L

    Epic food porn

    You sir are awesome!
  10. Jay5.9L

    Epic food porn

    If you have any leftovers, wrap them in foil and a bit of beef broth and stick them in the oven for a hour or two at 225. A good braise will get them tender.
  11. Jay5.9L

    Epic food porn

    I’ve done 6 briskets. First few were scary due to the cost and they were always for parties and I didn’t want to screw them up. They really are not that bad. YouTube the crap out of it. Trimming was the hardest part. Then it’s just rub, smoke until stall temp, wrap until 204-206f. Rest and eat
  12. Jay5.9L

    Epic food porn

    It was also A Harmons choice vs the Costco prime
  13. Jay5.9L

    Epic food porn

    I did a smaller brisket from harmons and it was only a section of a full packard brisket. Not as good and didn’t have much point meat. I’d do the full packard or at least the big end with more point
  14. Jay5.9L

    Epic food porn

    Did you clean out your smoker between cooks? Sometimes ash build up will screw with your temps
  15. Jay5.9L

    Garbage disposals

    Home Depo Badger replacement has been running strong for a few years now. It replaced the builder badger that lasted 5-7 years and finally started to rust out. I think it’s my fault since I chewed up a lot of ice cubes as maintenance (clean the blades and dislodge old food etc). So don’t feed...
  16. Jay5.9L

    CO2 Tank Refill

    Got the tank back, $16.09 out the door. Highly recommend
  17. Jay5.9L

    Ford 2011 F-350 rod bearing fix help!!

    Thanks for the info
  18. Jay5.9L

    Ford 2011 F-350 rod bearing fix help!!

    Yup that was my advice. He got not towed the the LHM ford in SLC. That was the first update. I believe they will give him a better estimate tomorrow. I thought the 6.7 power stroke was fairly reliable. Am I wrong?
  19. Jay5.9L

    Ford 2011 F-350 rod bearing fix help!!

    100k miles. It’s lifted etc but I don’t think he has a tune or power mods.
  20. Jay5.9L

    Ford 2011 F-350 rod bearing fix help!!

    My friend was driving his 2011 F-350 with the 6.7 power stroke. It over heated and turned off. The dealer service just told him it was a rod bearing and will be around 15k to fix. Any advice I can give him would be great.