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  1. amigo1

    What happens when someone pulls a u-turn in front of you at 85mph

    Yeah, why would anyone speed during a race, anyway??? dip ****. Also glad to hear everyone, including the elderly, are ok.
  2. amigo1

    What happens when someone pulls a u-turn in front of you at 85mph

    Of course I am glad there were no seious injuries involved with this accident - I'm not inhuman. I just think that people should call a spade a spade and realize that yes, the elderly people should probably not even been able to be on the road if they are so brainless as to listen and obey a...
  3. amigo1

    What happens when someone pulls a u-turn in front of you at 85mph

    I hate to be the one to bring this up, but I personally don't put ALL the blame on the old lady. Maybe it's just me, but I think you're a total moron for letting your "buddy" endanger your life, your sons life, and the lives of others around you by going 85 mph TOWING A TRAILER. A little slower...
  4. amigo1

    Any trips comming up that you don't have to have a JEEP to be accepted?

    It seems as though people here have more problem with my original problem than I had with my original problem; originally. :) I was only bringigng up a concern, and not only mine - and was in no way blaming everyone - read it really people, get over it -- I have,.... long ago (also said)...
  5. amigo1

    Any trips comming up that you don't have to have a JEEP to be accepted?

    Sorry boys to bring up something in a "forum" setting that might have needed to be said. Hopefully some know what constructive criticism is. Who knows, this forum could have many more friendly people here. Shouldn't we all feel some sort of unity for the enjoyment we get out of the thing we...
  6. amigo1

    Any trips comming up that you don't have to have a JEEP to be accepted?

    No chip, and I feel no need to prove anything with my vehicle, I've just never been treated as such in moab or elsewhere. Just making a point- feeling guilty?
  7. amigo1

    Any trips comming up that you don't have to have a JEEP to be accepted?

    Thanks cody, just proving a point.
  8. amigo1

    Any trips comming up that you don't have to have a JEEP to be accepted?

    Cody- I know how I was treated- with a witness, and saw another person with an 'other' vehicle that it seemed the same way. Where you there? what do you drive?
  9. amigo1

    Any trips comming up that you don't have to have a JEEP to be accepted?

    It was a RME run that I felt like an alien driving a pinto, so my wife and I did it alone and had a good time anyway.(she was dissapointed in the overall attitude also).
  10. amigo1

    Any trips comming up that you don't have to have a JEEP to be accepted?

    Can I just say it would be nice, UTAH, that you can have something other than the all too common JEEP or Toyota and feel like people want to wheel with you? Where's the the FUN factor as opposed to fitting into the "click"? I feel I shouldn't have to join a vehicle specific club just to have...
  11. amigo1

    Any trips comming up that you don't have to have a JEEP to be accepted?

    Can I just say it would be nice, UTAH, that you can have something other than the all too common JEEP or Toyota and feel like people want to wheel with you? Where's the the FUN factor as opposed to fitting into the "click"? I feel I shouldn't have to join a vehicle specific club just to have...