1 Wire Drivetrain Setups


Orem, Utah
I've read a few build threads recently, not all on here, that have run the who rig off of one power wire. No big wire messes or wiring harnesses. Most of the have been on Chevy 4.3 motors. Can this be done on other motors? I'm starting to collect parts for a build and would like it to be as easy as possible when it comes to wiring. Is this possible with a 4.0 jeep motor? How is it done?
My F350 runs off one wire. That said it obviously needs a couple more to get it started but once running it only needs one...
Did Nic do it for you or did you end up having to figure it out yourself? Was it easy? What do you do? Run power to a switch panel and then run whatever you need to have power on? Like; alternator, lights, stereo?
It may be 3. But one of the builds was dzeyer on here with his 4 door 1st gen Tacoma. His build said 1 wire setup. If I could afford a 5.7 then I would pick it over the 4.0 but anything not carbureted gets pricey it seems. Is it 3 wires still running on gas?
I did the propane swap.. The wiring was easy
. The changing the cam and front cover and adding distributor ect sucked. But if your already starting with a carbed motor it will be easy!

1 switch gives power to propane solenoid , coil

button gives power I starter
It may be 3. But one of the builds was dzeyer on here with his 4 door 1st gen Tacoma. His build said 1 wire setup. If I could afford a 5.7 then I would pick it over the 4.0 but anything not carbureted gets pricey it seems. Is it 3 wires still running on gas?

Yes, still running on gas. I've never run propane.
It could be one hot wire to a switch panel, but you still need a hot wire for alternator, one for distributor, at least two for an ECU, one for fuel pump, then more for starter, lights, radio, ect. I seem to remember three main battery hot wires, controlled by relays in most aftermarket harnesses. Fuel, fan, and ignition.
You dont get EFI with only a few wires, you can get a carb motor for a couple. With a basic TBI fuel injection Chevy you have 3 just to the fuel injector and 3-5 on the distributor depending on the set up 3 to the MAF, 3 to the TPS..... you get where Im going with this. Propane is 1 more wire then a Carb because you have your solenoid. I think my Samurai Propane set up has 3 wires total unles you take in all the grounds that go to the chassis or motor. you can do a EFI setup clean and easy if you just take the time and make a clean harness. I know your smart enough to do it, it really is easy.