Don't EVEN bring up my Mama. Mama taught me good, and she taught me not to talk to rif raff like you. Just like that guy on rocker knocker,"come over here son, I don't want you exposed to the likes of him!" he he.
So you guys still down for a second rally??? Lets do it in February or the end of Jan....Is the U4WDA an actual timed Rally? or just a skill course and stuff like that.
I can arrange it for just about any Saturday. Should be fairly simple to run the thing but I will need some help organizing it as well as controlling the start and finish line. No problemo with all the dudes around here....lets just play it by ear until the first of the year and then we can start arranging a good date. If someone wants to recommend a good saturday in Feb. that most people agree on, do it
If I finally havent gotten around to tearing my jeep down for the winter and actually fixing some of the ((trail fixes)) im game for a second winter rally.