2011 Hunt

That is actually a very tough hunt, the earlier hunt pushes all the elk up by the sundance turn off up on the provo cyn side and they are very spooked, also the ones up on baldy are at the top, It also does not help all the people taking 600+yd shots at them. The last time I had the tag was 2 years ago and it was a tough as can be hunt. If you want someone to help you out let me know and I can also give you some info on the area if you need any info on it

I appreciate the offer. I may take you up on that.:)
Thats a sweet bull. congrats. Has anyone seen much up on the extended archery? I would pay some very good money to have a gun up there instead of piddly hoyt flinging arrows.
Just saw a damn respectable four point tonight. It was in TOWN, though....and after dark

A guy at work showed me his cell phone video of a six point that lives in his back yard in North Salt Lake. He chases him off because he eats his plants. I told him I know some guys that would love to solve his problem the old fashioned way.:)
Yes, and I am glad you asked, because after hunting all my life, I finally got the bull I have been looking for. 6x6, 350, 120 pounds of burger, 80 plus pounds of steaks. And a fantastic hunt.
Beautiful Bull Jeff... All I can say is WOW!!!!
A guy at work showed me his cell phone video of a six point that lives in his back yard in North Salt Lake. He chases him off because he eats his plants. I told him I know some guys that would love to solve his problem the old fashioned way.:)

let me know about this. I'd even do some worl for the guy.
I hate all of you right now...nah very nice deer and elk going on. I'll get my chance in South Dakota in two weeks. Probably won't find anything as nice as yours DAA but I'll see what I can do.
I passed on a two point yesterday. Saw a smallish three point at about 1500 yards that I could have stalked but just didn't want the work that taking an animal is unless it was a little bigger.

Congrats Dave! That ones very respectable
That's a great looking Book Cliffs Buck. It looks like the rut is beginning.

I debated taking this nice 2pt this morning :rofl:

I think he's the smallest forky I've ever seen.

Here's a couple more from the front yard.


And a little bit of Veal for the table

Quite the yard ornaments! I'd try and put some flagging in their headgear if that was around here. Be bullets flying through the reloading room window from the neighbors yard...

Gotta love that fillet de calf elk though. Yum, yum!
