2012 OSRC Rules

A roll cage should be the first part of building a rockcrawler or TRAIL RIG! example, I had a lifted and locked ZJ grand, trail rig, on 35's, would have been great to compete in the stock class of osrc, was once doing the wild west trail in Cedar City, almost rolled a couple times on lads ladder when I decided to take the bypass to avoid a roll and dropped into a stupid little hole and rolled two and a half times knocking out all the windows and caving to roof in to a dangerous level.. Delta's rock coarse is more than a mild trail even in the stock class and if your competeing on it you should have a cage. what a great excuse to hurry and get a cage in your rig you should already have..

that ledge that Troy Hatch rolled off of and landed upside down in his black toyota, would have been serious without a full cage, he was running in the stocker.
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With the ability to get prefabbed internal cages for the Toyotas, and for not a lot of money, it should be one of the first upgrades to a trail or a comp rig.


And if people are worried about lack of room in a Toy cab, there is always the option of exo. I have ran both. My current trail rig has a bolt together cage in it, and all though it probably isnt as safe as a fully welded, dom cage... it is a lot better than nothing, and it only cost me $50 used.
I built the truck for moderate trails, but I thought it was a cheap investment, considering that I tend to do stupid stuff when people are watching.
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Pretty good deal right now at costco
ill be bringing extra fire extinguishers i forgot mine and had a hard time finding one in town get yours now so you dont get stuck with finding one at the comp
To answer your door question, yes and no.

Jeeps, FJ's and the like can go doorless because of the threshold you have to step over to get into them. That keeps your feet and other things from falling out when things get tippy. Other vehicles are allowed to go doorless if they have a foot bar installed to act in the same manner.

In either case, I'd highly recommend tube doors at a minimum, but it's not a requirement.