So, with this thread coming back to life and me being confused about which trip we had talked about for this week, I am left in a little bit of a spot.
I thought I would have been to Moab a bunch more times this year and I haven't been...
and I already have hotel reservations with a great group of guys for Moab, kind of centered around Bronco Safari, but not actually with bronco safari...
I am currently trying to see who is up for Grand Junction instead of Moab for this weekend. I like the idea of getting back over to Western Colorado in a big way, but not sure yet if anyone else is even interested of the other group, and I don't want to flake.
Give me a minute to try and figure this out, but please don't hold back going with out me.
(in my head I am wondering if I can go wheel Moab, then drop the tow rig and trail rigs off at Gregs house and come back down the week or two later.
) Wheeling without having to pay for tow rig gas is significantly cheaper.)