Official 2019 EJS Potato Salad Hill Fundraiser & Cleanup


I run a tight ship... wreck
This year during Easter Jeep Safari, Potato Salad Hill (PSH) will be open and as large of an attraction as ever. RME has already contacted the BLM and the Sheriff’s office who are all in favor of seeing the continued support from RME and the off-road community. As you probably know the PSH area is small, gathers large crowds and has no facilities (bathroom or trash collection) to accommodate those numbers. In years past it has brought many problems for the Sheriff’s office and the BLM who are responsible for the land, as PSH is not part of the official EJS event. Both the BLM and Sheriff’s office will continue to monitor this area during this high traffic weekend. Our focused efforts in that area really can go a long way with showing the groups that the rockcrawlers take land clean up and use serious.

Several years ago Jeff Knoll pioneered the idea of collecting funds and picking up trash to help keep PSH open to the public for the Easter weekend. Since then RME has stepped up to take that project over and continue the fantastic start given by Jeff. Again for 2019 it is our turn to give back to Moab. Help us ensure that the off-road community can work with the local governments, and we can all work together to keep PSH open. In the past several years RME members quickly raised money to help pay for the dumpsters and port-a-potties that were stationed at PSM! We had many members who were able to walk the area to pick up litter and have it taken care of.

Our efforts were noticed and appreciated. One positive example is the good comments we received from “The Solutions of Moab” a recycling center adjacent to the PSH area who takes a personal interest in the PSH area and works closely with the BLM and city council on the condition of PSH. Those few hours spent went a long way for our cause!

This year I can only hope for the same. I would like to challenge you to help us raise $2000 (or more!) to fund this project. I would also like to challenge members who are in Moab during EJS to take a few minutes out of their time and walk the area to keep it clean.

Donations can be made via paypal to

More information and progress can be seen here:


All funds will go directly to the cleanup of the area, dumpsters and port-a-potties. Anything collected over the needed amount will be donated to the RR4W MUD fund. (Multi Use Defense Fund to delegate money to support pro-active measures in land use issues)
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I run a tight ship... wreck
Thanks for the recent donations, everyone! We have a long way to go to meet our goal and EJS is coming up fast! Pitch in what you can!

So this is our 12th year of organizing the PSH cleanup and we've met our $2000 goal every year.... that means we've raised $24,000 just to keep PSH clean & open during EJS, plus the extra money that has gone towards the RR4W MUD Fund, which should be in the thousands at this point. That's pretty awesome, we couldn't do this without your support!


I run a tight ship... wreck
BTW: I see the chart above says, "Current count updated daily, not instantly. Total minus paypal fees shown. " What are the PayPal fees associated with this account? Is it a set percentage of each transaction?

You can choose how you're sending the donation, most people send their payments so there are no fees (send to friends & family). Otherwise, the fee is 2.9%. We don't count the PayPal fees into the total because that doesn't equal what we're paying out. Does that answer the question?


somewhat damaged
We track all the donations here and it shows how much fee PayPal took unless it was sent differently



Still plays with cars
Lehi, UT
Does that answer the question?

Mostly. I was wondering if there was a way to avoid the fee. If not, I wanted to know how much the fee is so I can compensate in my donation.

If I follow that link and donate via CC, are they gonna deduct a fee?


I run a tight ship... wreck
Mostly. I was wondering if there was a way to avoid the fee. If not, I wanted to know how much the fee is so I can compensate in my donation.

If I follow that link and donate via CC, are they gonna deduct a fee?

You should be able to choose if you want to sent it without the fee.

Not if you gift it. You have two options and one does not charge a fee. Greg, you could always set up a Venmo account

Eh, we've been using PayPal for the PSH donations over 12 years now.... we do have an RME Venmo acct, but it's easier to keep all the money going into one account.


I run a tight ship... wreck
We're making pretty good progress on our goal and truly appreciate all the donations so far.... but we're still a long way from $2000! We couldn't do this without YOU, this is one of those land use projects that you know makes a huge impact in a place we all love so don't be shy with showing you care! :D


I run a tight ship... wreck
We're still a long way from our goal, if you've been thinking about helping out with this project, we sure could use the funds.


I run a tight ship... wreck
We had a BIG donation from some good folks that wish to remain anonymous and now we're less than $600 from our goal! There are still a few weeks till EJS, but it's coming up fast. We can still use some support with making the $2000 goal!


I run a tight ship... wreck
We are within $500 of our $2000 goal for the 2019 Potato Salad Hill Cleanup! Easter Jeep Safari is coming up soon, we have had a lot of generous donations to get this far. Thanks to those that understand how important this is, our efforts show the local community that we care about public lands.

This is the 12th year that we've done the PSH cleanup, raising over $2000 each year. That's $24,000+ that has gone directly towards a very well known and visible location, during it's most busy time of year. We couldn't do this without your support... so, thanks to you!