21 road may 2005


Registered User
A group of us ran 21 road last week. What a fun trail! I ran this trail with a bigger group a few years back, but this time I ran with a smaller group but bigger rigs! One guy ran a suburban with 38's and another ran a 72 f250 with 42's. The f-250 has been bobbed. The burb broke all 3 rear windows and crushed all 4 rockers beneath the doors so that we had to pound at least one door back out with a hammer to let him out, but he did get through everything but the squeeze, although not recomended, we worked hard to get him through. He plans on bolting on an s-10 body that he has for next time. The trail was fairly dry considering the wet weather we have had. None escaped without at least some body damage except the jeep, who only did 1/5 of the trail because of a broken u-bolt on the front axle.


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Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
21 miles from the utah/colorado border. Basically, Grand Junction. I think it's rated a 4+ similar to pritchett.

looks like fun. I've been trying to get in on that trail for years now.


toyota crawlin

Active Member
salt lake, utah
Cody said:
21 miles from the utah/colorado border. Basically, Grand Junction. I think it's rated a 4+ similar to pritchett.

looks like fun. I've been trying to get in on that trail for years now.

It's a cool trail! some time this summer Cody let's plan a trip :) !!

Ford Prefect

Registered User
Provo, Ut
Cody said:
21 miles from the utah/colorado border. Basically, Grand Junction. I think it's rated a 4+ similar to pritchett.

looks like fun. I've been trying to get in on that trail for years now.


I know a few guys who live in Grand Junction, I think that any of them would be more than willing to go with you any time you want to drive out there.

Get on Colorado4x4.org and ask around, they will all be willing to meet you up there.



Registered User
That is a sweet trail, changes each trip with all the water that road gets. You can make the trail as tough as you want with all the different lines, plus you can always bail out on the road that runs next to it when its not washed out.


Registered User
the trail is very easy to find, and like was mentioned it can be very difficult or fairly easy depending on how much you stay in the wash and what lines you take. To get there just take exit 26 in Grand Junction, then an immediate left under the freeway. You will see road signs almost immediatly to your right. The roads in grand junction are numbered one way and lettered the other. I think the first one you come to is 22 road or there abouts. Just go to 21 road and turn right, then follow it all the way out and watch for the wash on the right as you enter the canyon. We talked to an individual while doing the trail who was going to run a "new trail" called "billings" on the other side of town. He said it was a tougher trail. I plan on doing some research and returning for another dose of 21 road and a run up billings. Any one else ever heard of this new trail?


Well-Known Member
21 and montrose

if you take the time to drive to 21 then drive another 30-40 min to montrose you wont be disapointed(sp?) :eek: tight squeezes all day long and huge boulder crawls :eek: best take spare parts -_-


Registered User
What kind of setup do you think you need

THis sounds like an awsome trial! What kind of setup do you think you need to run it. Are we talking lockers F/R. Is body damage a sure bet. ( My brother babies his Jeep) Would be interested in running it. Thanks for the info!


Registered User
I have wanted to go to montrose for some time, but heard that calamity canyon is near impossible to drive now. Has anyone been there lately? What else is in Montrose?

laddy, can you give directions and trail rating to the billings canyon trail?

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Registered User
As for directions you will have to get a grand junction local to show you, they are always down to take you out. www.colorado4x4.org is your best bet to hook with those guys that is the only way we found it.

I don't know the rating but its tougher than 21 rd. should be locked up. I think most everyone in our group got body damage but you may be able to avoid it. The trail is new and is being closely watched by the forest service as some sort of trial out there.
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