22re squirrels are restless!!

Terrible Paulsy

100% Evil Conservative
I'm getting a really bad noise from the ol' 22re. It sounds like I have marbles pinging around in the cylinders. It only really happens at idle, or when I'm shifting, and there's no load on the engine. I just started happening about two day ago, and seems to be getting worse. And yes, I've checked the oil :p

Thoughts anyone? :confused:



Strength and Honor!
Marbels in the Cylinders, huh? That ain't good! :eek:

Bring it over, it's hard to diagnose anything w/o the vehicle in front of you. I'll be playing in the garage tonight, so stop by!


Booty-fab Instructor
I'll bet 10 to 1 it's your timing chain. I've seen (and heard) lots of 22re engines with worn out chains, and it sounds exactly like marbles in the cylinders. To check: Remove the valve cover and look down inside the timing cover with a flashlight. You'll see either plastic chain guides intact (good chain) or broken or missing guides and some grooves in the timing cover where the chain has been slapping. Timing chains are supposed to be replaced every 60-75k, and will usually stretch and break the guides around 100-150k.

Terrible Paulsy

100% Evil Conservative
suv said:
I'll bet 10 to 1 it's your timing chain. I've seen (and heard) lots of 22re engines with worn out chains, and it sounds exactly like marbles in the cylinders. To check: Remove the valve cover and look down inside the timing cover with a flashlight. You'll see either plastic chain guides intact (good chain) or broken or missing guides and some grooves in the timing cover where the chain has been slapping. Timing chains are supposed to be replaced every 60-75k, and will usually stretch and break the guides around 100-150k.

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have a winner!!!!!!! That's exactly what it turned out to be. So now it's time for a new motor :D