Wanted 35x12.50x15 Spare Tire


Porch Dog
Supporting Member
Payson, UT
I am wanting to buy a full-size spare tire now that I have a tire carrier to mount it on. I am looking for all types, (Goodyear, BFG, etc.) not really specific on brand, or amount of tread left. Just need something that will get me off the trail when/if one of my tires fails me. My MT/R K's are showing signs of age, and it itsn't worth getting a brand new since I will be changing brands when the time comes. I already have a rim, just need the tire.

Hit me up with what you have..



Giver of bad advice
I have 4 old school MTRs...

And 4 old school Mud Kings.

Here is the deal. Take 1, take all 4 of a kind. I need the space back in my shed. Price, couple 6 packs of GOOD barley pop... Should be available all weekend. PM me for phone and addy...
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