5 mile Night run this week?

One of my co-workers (the one not on RME) is threatening to drop out on me. Hopefully someone from this forum makes it out there tonight.
Next time I head out I'd like to go with guys that are going to do constrictor since I haven't been able to do it yet.

Waynes world seemed harder this time around. Trying to crawl it just didn't work so I gave it a little bump and it climbed right up.
Did anyone make it??

It was a small group of only three rigs: myself, YOUKNOW and ozzy702. Still, I thought it was a great trip. I'm sorry we couldn't accompany Eric onto Constrictor (though I would have been willing to at least begin it just to see how much it has changed over the years). Maybe next time.

I enjoyed getting to know everyone there; this forum is full of great people.