8.9 earthquake in Japan


Converted Oil Burner
This IS what I do

I've been watching the nuclear situation in Japan quite closely trying to figure out what is really going on. What I have seen and heard so far is that no hard numbers are making it into the media. That leads me to believe either they don't know (plausible) or that they are simply not as consequential as the media outlets want you to believe (plausible).
Having also contacted and discussed this on other boards with professionals that have been sent to Japan to assist and with US professionals that deal directly with nuclear facilites and disposal operations, I have seen numbers as low as 80 uR/hr, and no smearable contamination. 80 would be about 4 times background in say the west utah desert. I am not sure what background is in Tokyo where i believe the readings were taken.
This is certainly a dangerous situation, but unlike the Chrenobyl disaester, the japanese are being quite open with the world (forced or otherwise) and the situation is being dealt with as best as it can be. EnergySolutions has been approached with opportunities because of their ability to deal with radioactive waste cleanup and D&D of nuclear facilities.
I believe that the Japanese have their hands full right now dealing with thousands of other more imminent dangers, and I hope that they can take care of all of them in a way that works out best for everyone.