A heartwarming wheelin' story...

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
Heartwarming... That's a funny word :hickey:

At about 10:30 last night My ride sux, BLUECOOT, and I decided to go up Providence to do some midnight wheelin'. We had just entered the rock quarry when some dude came running in our direction saying that he, another guy with his wife and baby where stranded up the canyon! They had come down Providence thinking that it would be an easy road, and by the time they figured out it wasn't... well... Apparently the kid was headed down and saw that the family needed help so they all piled in his (get this!) 2WD S10 pickup and made a mad dash for the bottom then the S10 became stuck! Then they all started walking... In sandals... with a baby... and no flashlights... in a rock quarry... crying baby...

Long story short: We drug (literally) the S10 to the bottom of the rock quarry then the kid and the other guy's wife and baby headed for town. Then we headed up the canyon with the other guy to rescue his vehicle. When we found the 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazer it had a blown front tire (that had been ridden on for at least 4 miles), and some serious undercarriage damage, and was also just above the most difficult part of the trail.

They had been up there for a very long time, and even though he came within inches of rolling the TB everyone made it home safely...

For me I cannot believe that they went that far in a stock 2WD S10. It seriously blows my mind. Also it was funny because none of them could believe that we travel UP the canyon for fun. They kept saying "you guy's are probably the only ones in the valley that can do this!" :rofl:

Anyway that would have been a VERY long walk for them if we hadn't decided to go for a drive, and it goes to show that everyone with a 4x4 should go prepared for the worst in any conditions because you never know what you might find.


somewhat damaged
Good on you for helping them.

I've carried a good share of injured mtn. bikers off the trails in Moab over the years. It's really cool to be able to brighten somebody's day after they've just been through the worst of it.


Good job team.

I gave a woman with a sprained ankle a mule ride off the top of Mount Timpanogos one time........ at band camp.