A Question of Logistics

It's doable but you have to remember that the only bridges across the Colorado River in Utah are at Dewey, Moab, and Hite. There used to be a ferry from Bullfrog to Halls Crossing but I don't know if it is still operating since the marina at Hite is closed due to extremely low water.
It's doable but you have to remember that the only bridges across the Colorado River in Utah are at Dewey, Moab, and Hite. There used to be a ferry from Bullfrog to Halls Crossing but I don't know if it is still operating since the marina at Hite is closed due to extremely low water.

The ferry never quit running, they relocated its load pads, but its still running as it always has. Hite is open, watched a boat pull out of there this morning ;)
When would you be available to sit down and plan this? As I've said, I'm pretty open in the evenings (burned out, yes, but not terribly busy). I can meet anywhere. My place, yours, neutral territory, whatever. When is your last trip this fall? We can set it up for after that.
I am hoping to be ready for this by the end of summer, personally. (That is if I'm invited)

If you guys need a meeting area, you are more than welcome to come use the shop. We have a couch, chairs, big screen, and we can order pizza, and beer is welcome. Just throwing it out there, we also have wifi for internet access.
Bear it would be great to have you on a trip!

Steve, my last big planned 08 trip ended last night at 11pm so I'm all game to start planning others. As mentioned I really have some trips I want to do for 09, WRT to name one... however this is a trip I really want to do! LMK
Stephen, Jared and I met regarding this trip last week. I think we came up with an excellent route foundation, stretching over 10 days. Leaving SLC on a Friday afternoon and returning Sunday night, 10 days later. Details are still being panned out and we've been lucky enough to have a friend of mine (dmc for those that know him) help us with the route as he did a very similar route in 2005.

At this point everything is up in the air, the final route, the dates, the number of attendees, etc. However if your really interested in a trip like this, have done similar style trips to some degree and have a vehicle that is up to task for a 1200 mile tour through the middle of nowhere, 300 mile minimum range, self supported for camping, food, etc, PM Stephen for updates :p

Seriously though this will be what I would call a demanding trip, some are accustomed to this type of travel and will feel right at home, other might have a miserable time facing 200 miles days, one after one another. If you are sincerely serious about being up for a trip like this, PM Stephen :)
PM me? Sheese! :rolleyes:
But seriously, this is going to be an epic trip (and I do not say that lightly). The plan is to go from the Nevada border outside of Enterprise, Utah all the way to Gateway, Colorado. This trip will maximize dirt with highway miles pretty much limited to getting fuel and the few places that it is unavoidable.
As Kurt mentioned, we have a pretty good route planned out, but there will undoubtably be some adjustments as we tease it out some more. Currently the plan is to be on the trail for 10 days straight. Starting Friday night and running through to the following Sunday. The trip Kurt mentioned that dmc ran did a similar route to what we are planning in six days, so we feel that we will be running this much more leisurely with plenty of time to see the sights.
Make no mistake, this will be a trip that is very vehicle demanding. If you are interested in joining us, please PM me, or better yet, join in on the planning over at Expedition Utah.
I’d run it a bit different; From Rockville I would run Grafton Mesa Ghost town road (check out the school house used in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Movie, from there Smithsonian Butte Trail to Big Junction. Run Ut 59 to Hilldale, then take the back road that runs by Coral Pink Sand Dunes, then run Moquith Mountain Loop (they are getting ready to close some of the spurs), from there run The Barracks trail up to Mt Carmel Junction, run US 89 up to Glendale, then head southeast to Skutumpah Road, run that up to Cannonville, take UT 12 into Escalante, Run Hell’s Backbone that goes north than loops right back to right around the Burr Trail, Run the Burr trail, but at the half way point run Upper Mulley Twist (short side spur trip), take the remainder of the Burr down to Bull Frog Marina, take the ferry across to Hal’s Crossing, run Ut 95 to Arch Canyon, run Arch Canyon, Run Hotel Rock, check out Butler Wash Ruins afterwards which is just before the trun off to Cotonwood Wash Road, Run Cottonwood wash road, to north and south elk ridge, to cottonwood canyon, to Beef Basin, to Bobby’s Hole, to Elephant Hill, to Lockhart Basin, Check out Lockhart Canyon while you are there, to Chicken Corners, to Hurrah Pass, to McD’s (a numner 3 vlaue meal will taste mighty fine by then.

I got all the maps and then some for Utah. Figure out your route, I can merge all the maps and give you back one big whopping GPX file for you to upload into a GPS. Give me at least two weeks leeway though
I’d run it a bit different; From Rockville I would run Grafton Mesa Ghost town road (check out the school house used in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Movie, from there Smithsonian Butte Trail to Big Junction. Run Ut 59 to Hilldale, then take the back road that runs by Coral Pink Sand Dunes, then run Moquith Mountain Loop (they are getting ready to close some of the spurs), from there run The Barracks trail up to Mt Carmel Junction, run US 89 up to Glendale, then head southeast to Skutumpah Road, run that up to Cannonville, take UT 12 into Escalante, Run Hell’s Backbone that goes north than loops right back to right around the Burr Trail, Run the Burr trail, but at the half way point run Upper Mulley Twist (short side spur trip), take the remainder of the Burr down to Bull Frog Marina, take the ferry across to Hal’s Crossing, run Ut 95 to Arch Canyon, run Arch Canyon, Run Hotel Rock, check out Butler Wash Ruins afterwards which is just before the trun off to Cotonwood Wash Road, Run Cottonwood wash road, to north and south elk ridge, to cottonwood canyon, to Beef Basin, to Bobby’s Hole, to Elephant Hill, to Lockhart Basin, Check out Lockhart Canyon while you are there, to Chicken Corners, to Hurrah Pass, to McD’s (a numner 3 vlaue meal will taste mighty fine by then.

I got all the maps and then some for Utah. Figure out your route, I can merge all the maps and give you back one big whopping GPX file for you to upload into a GPS. Give me at least two weeks leeway though

Jeff, have you seen the thread on ExUt with the route itinerary?

While I would love to incorporate Arch, Hotel, Lockhart, etc... they would eat away at our time, even the Muley Twist is a couple of hours both ways with a quick hike to the overlook. Lockhart for example can be done in a day, but the concensus among us when planning was that we wanted to have some serious time to enjoy and take in the area. Its like doing White Rim or Lockhart in a day, done that, had fun but the next time will be a little slower :D