A way to educate?


Registered User
Having just read all the posts on the Forest Lake issue, I got to thinking again about what can be done to educate new wheelers. The comment (was it Kurt?) about the capable rigs availiable off the lot is a key point.

It is at all practical or have any chance of actually getting into the hands of buyers if U4WDA put together a one page, very professional looking handout that could either displayed at the dealerships (and taken by buyers) or even sent with the vehicle?

Anything too long will not get read....would neet to be a "bullet point" type with source of more info (such as the U4WDA web site) listed.

With the number of dealerships, might not be possible to fully implement, but even if it could be given to Jeep, Nissan and Toyate dealers you might get at least a little education accomplished.


Sandy, Ut
Steve has a great comment for this (the "Brett" one he used at the BOD meeting last night)... It basically goes like this.

That is a killer idea, sadly its one we have heard dozens of times from dozens of different angles. We severly lack the manpower to pull it off. From designing the flyer (which is the easy part) to distributing (the hard part). We have done this in the past, Russ tells me that many moons ago every Jeep that went out the door at the local dealerships had a flyer in it... keeping up with the distribution got the best of us.

Now, that being said... If anyone is willing to come out and help, this would be great project to get rolling!!!


These go to 11
Kurt I will do the design and layout. I can just use some of the items I have created for the new sponsor kit.

I got the feeling that the dealers would not distribute them. So I have not done it yet.
I got the feeling that the dealers would not distribute them. So I have not done it yet.

I think they would, but like Kurt says it's a long-term project that needs ongoing manpower to work. We can't just drop off a bunch of brochures at the j**p dealer. We have to follow-up, make sure they are getting to the customers, restock the supplies, transition the program to new/replacement administrators at the dealerships, make sure the content is up to date and relevant, tweak the program, etc, etc. It's not particularly difficult. It just needs someone to take ownership and manage and execute. This would be a full time job (full time job in volunteer world meaning a few hours a week). We don't have a spare person right now. I hope we get more people involved. We've got a ton of great ideas that would be awesome for the association (like Seth's "Street Team"). All we need is manpower.


Registered User
Those problems are the same ones I thought of as I psoted the idea, keeping dealers stocked and getting them into the hands of buyers.

I think a key would be to get the managers on board. If that could be done, a down-loadable flyer could be designed that they could print up as needed or pre-printed versions dropped off as needed.

Thus the problem becomes meeting with the managers of each dealership in the state!! Or a more realistic start could be a trial program with Jeep dealers. If it works and the info is distributed, expand to other makes.

I don't have a ton of time (not that anyone does, but I am currently stepping into the President role of our state veterinary association), but could go along as part of a team to a few meetings.


Provo, Utah.
In the bike industry every bike sale has up to $10 going to a "conserve the trails" type organization. Just an idea to throw at you. Really catches your attention! There are many skateparks in utah to funnel the huligans out of areas where they aren't wanted. State funded or business/state orginazations could form an alliance to set up wheeler parks. Fun way to test out mods without traveling far or to the off-limits foothills.


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
I question the effectivness of a little land use flyer in the pile of papers that are signed at the dealership, and shuffled in with the pile of other papers that gets just filed away when they get home. I mean how many of us have actually looked at the folder of crap that comes with a car? We just want to drive the dumb thing. And how about all of the 4x4's that are sold outside of a jeep dealership?

Would the effort and cost be better put to use in the way of road side signs, and in the way of education in the popular areas, trouble spots, etc?


Sandy, Ut
All great ideas... but the underlying problem is manpower and implementation. If any of you (such as Houndoc) would like to come up with a simple plan/goal sheet for a dealership program... You (or I can do it if you can't make it to the next BOD meeting) can present it to the BOD and see if we can drum up some support for the project. At a minimum I think some sort of poster, plaque? etc hanging on the wall at the dealerships would be a start?
For anyone who'd like to get involved but isn't sure, I can tell you that it's much easier than it might seem. Also the current board members are a great source of information and assistance. Whether it's a few hours a month or a few hours per week, everyone has something to contribute. It starts at the board meetings.


Starting Another Thread
Sunny Arizona
I dont think it would be all that hard to get the dealers involved. I'm sure the Jeep dealers as well as others would be thrilled. Also, if the flyer included a free one year membership with vehicle purchase, I think you would see a lot of new faces. Plus, you know how the dealers would be pimpin that freebie issue! Maybe give the dealers a little pimpin in the way of a free ad in the mag?

Maybe not an expensive flyer at all, perhaps the last copy of Compass with a free first time regestration inside, to get the big picture???? Along those same lines, maybe a few complimentary copies with registration forms enclosed for the dreaded waiting areas? Just tossing out ideas......

Personally, I think it could be pulled off. I'm no salesman (that's your job), but if it's a matter of dropping off a case of mags to the dealer every quarter you can count me in.

Steve has a great comment for this (the "Brett" one he used at the BOD meeting last night)... It basically goes like this.

That is a killer idea, sadly its one we have heard dozens of times from dozens of different angles. We severly lack the manpower to pull it off. From designing the flyer (which is the easy part) to distributing (the hard part). We have done this in the past, Russ tells me that many moons ago every Jeep that went out the door at the local dealerships had a flyer in it... keeping up with the distribution got the best of us.

Now, that being said... If anyone is willing to come out and help, this would be great project to get rolling!!!


Sandy, Ut
I dont think it would be all that hard to get the dealers involved. I'm sure the Jeep dealers as well as others would be thrilled. Also, if the flyer included a free one year membership with vehicle purchase, I think you would see a lot of new faces. Plus, you know how the dealers would be pimpin that freebie issue! Maybe give the dealers a little pimpin in the way of a free ad in the mag?

Maybe not an expensive flyer at all, perhaps the last copy of Compass with a free first time regestration inside, to get the big picture???? Along those same lines, maybe a few complimentary copies with registration forms enclosed for the dreaded waiting areas? Just tossing out ideas......

Personally, I think it could be pulled off. I'm no salesman (that's your job), but if it's a matter of dropping off a case of mags to the dealer every quarter you can count me in.

We will have to chat with the dealership before our BOD meeting next week, mabey invite one of the sales managers to come upstairs and give us some thoughts. I know Russ was doing this in the past, but I don't think it was implemented on the level we are looking for. If we could get the dealership to pony up for the membership, that would be killer, I wish the U4 had the money to give away the first year free, but it would kill our budget in a couple months.

I hope this progresses as I think it is a crucial step to educating and informing alot of the newbies to the 4x4 sport. I wish I would have known about U4 & clubs when I first got involved, the internet was nothing more than a couple mailing lists (jeepslc ;)) and finding new trails was by word of mouth.


Registered User
I like the poster idea. It would need to be eye-catching.

What would be the cost of a poster with a flyer hanger that could be put in the willing dealerships? The poster would hopefully grab attention and then people could take the flyer. The one year free membership has some merit, but also cost of mailings and Compass.

If the dealerships would allow the poster/flyer dispensor, no effort on the dealer is needed and one it is designed and printed, all we would need to is to once a month or so have people swing by the dealerships and restock.

If the monthly follow-up is devided up, that would not be too difficult (I have a couple dealers close to work I could easlier cover).

The big question is, will the dealers allow it? How do we find out?


Sandy, Ut
...The big question is, will the dealers allow it? How do we find out?

A rough sketch game plan needs to be laid out, and then someone needs to spend some time on the ringer chatting with dealerships. Then, if it seems feasable the idea can be pitched to the U4 BOD, which would gladly help make it happen I assume.


Registered User
Wellsville Utah
At least in AF you could have the rangers hand out whatever you had down at the booth. I am sure they would do it as it would save their arses a ton of headache. New car owners won't read that stuff and if it was distributed on the actual wheelin trip, they could be held accountable.


Registered User
A rough sketch game plan needs to be laid out, and then someone needs to spend some time on the ringer chatting with dealerships. Then, if it seems feasable the idea can be pitched to the U4 BOD, which would gladly help make it happen I assume.

I think it is easier to get dealers to agree to a plan if they can see the final product. Is it worth the gamble to produce a poster/flyer dispenser and then go visit dealers and try to get them hung?