Adventure Bike

Let's talk bags. What do you guys recommend? Hard panniers? or like a big soft loop style?

Hard bags are good on the road, soft is preferred if you're riding offroad with luggage. I have a friend that broke a leg after putting a foot down, then having the bike fall over... with his leg getting pulled under the hard pannier while the bike was still moving forward. Wasn't pretty! I haven't had it happen to me, but I'm sure it could.

I have a Orange Giant Loop Coyote that is brand new, not sure I'll ever use it at this rate.... I paid like $360. If you want it, $200?
I've used big dry bags that are awesome off-road but I'm n my v-Srtom I'm rocking the tusk hard panniers and for that bike they are awesome
I have the Wolfman E-12 Saddle bags, E-12 duffle bag, E-12 tank bag, and E-12 fender bag. Looks like they only make the E-12 saddle bags which is too bad. I've never used the fender bag. The others I love. Big enough that I could pack for a couple days if I was smart, but plenty small so not to get in the way too much. I also use the Wolfman Enduro Pocket tank bag for every day rides.
Thanks guys, I think I'm going to try Greg's Giant Loop bag, but I think I'd like a tank bag too. What do you guys use/ like?

Wolfman E-12 tank bag. Similar to what Greg has, I think just slightly smaller. Never had a need for more space in there.
Nice report. I love the way KTM builds dual sport/adventure bikes.. they are anything but boring and slow :cool: I miss my 640 so bad!!

I use the E-12 saddle bags as well and I love them. They have rings on the top to tie down duffel bags/dry sacks etc which are handy. Another nice feature is being able to collapse them when carrying smaller things or nothing at all. They can lie nearly flat against the bike when empty.

Would like to try the GL as well. Interested in hearing your thoughts about them.
I had the wolfman expedition bags and they are great. Jakes setup was 1/2 the price or less and for a more aggressive ride, it worked at least as good. If you are logging long miles on the road the wolfmans would be a little better I think. The thing I don't like about the giant loop is that you have to swing your leg up over it to mount/dismount. I liked saddle bags that are down lower better.
For Gloves I always just wore insulated leather gloves. Not the best but they worked. Rocky mountain is making some pretty cool and affordable adv gear now. I'd try their battleborn gloves if I were you.

PS. Now you go get an adventure bike just as I sell mine!! You are making me want to look for an old DR400 to rally some miles with you. The two trips Jake and I took were beyond awesome and they changed my perspective on life. When you live off a motorcycle and a couple of saddle bags for days and travel across an entire state the world changes. I hope to get back into adventure riding once I am less involved in desert racing.
I'm digging the adventure setup with the windscreen and rack. Its a very nice looking adventure bike!
Stickers and the windscreen really complete the bike! Now let's see that Giant Loop loaded up and ready to ride!

How's the arm? You back to riding yet?
I'm digging the adventure setup with the windscreen and rack. Its a very nice looking adventure bike!


Stickers and the windscreen really complete the bike! Now let's see that Giant Loop loaded up and ready to ride!

How's the arm? You back to riding yet?

Thanks. My shoulder is not quite there. I rode my cousin's BMW GS1200 a little bit in Germany, but I'm not up to riding anywhere far or offroad at all. I don't know how to hold back so I'll play it safe: I probably have another week or so before I can ride more comfortably on the road and another 2 or 3 before I can get offroad.
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Bike is looking really sharp.

I am really missing an ADV bike. The cruiser I bought barely fills the 2 wheel need. I have realized that most of the rides I like to go on or want to take involve dirt as some point. Street only bikes are not where it's at.
Looks great with that windscreen! The graphics look really good too even with the 690 billboard attached to the back

Thanks, I dig it with the windscreen, sad I haven't ridden it on the freeway yet worth it to report how it does.
As for the number plate: I knew I'd catch some for that, but racers gotta race ;)

Bike is looking really sharp.

I am really missing an ADV bike. The cruiser I bought barely fills the 2 wheel need. I have realized that most of the rides I like to go on or want to take involve dirt as some point. Street only bikes are not where it's at.

Thanks, this thing is almost as quick as any street bike I'd care to own.
...Thanks, this thing is almost as quick as any street bike I'd care to own.

I once had a guy on a Kawasaki ZX7 pull up next to me at a stoplight when I was on my KTM 690 Enduro... my bike was muddy, dirty & loaded with camping gear. Light turned green, I gave the 690 all it had (front tire coming off the ground) ... and he didn't pass me until I let off! :freak: :laughing: