AF canyon run 7/25

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I run a tight ship... wreck
You know I am sorry but you are RETARDED. Since our parents were our age do you have any idea how much public access has been lost? More then we will ever be able to four wheel on. If you guys really want to defend the ONE person out of NINE who decided to do this go right ahead.... I mean seriously there is no way this guy didnt know better, he just didnt CARE! Is this the attitude that you want to foster as a forum? Oh I did it because there were no signs that said otherwise/the 8 other ppl who DIDNT try it said it was ok? Do you really want to see American Fork Canyon closed to motor vehicle traffic? That is certainly where BULLSHIT like this will end up! I am sorry that I am not an iggnorant REDNECK pos like those who have issues with what I am saying. Go ahead and BAN my account if I really cared I could have a new one 30 seconds later.... I thought this forum was a good place to find people to go wheeling with and I have had some good times doing so. At the same time I refuse to give respect to people who are willing to look the other way because someone is applogizing for being a total idiot. Especially when the person is only doing so in order to try to escape getting in trouble, if you think otherwise you are stupider then you look IMO...

Totally missed the point... :)
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