AF Canyon Service Projects


Registered User
Boy that was Text book response! Ha! Ha! So now you can start working on one for mineral basin, since it is own by snowbird for after tailing are removed. Then you can explaine why my cousine owns land similar and has to maintain access through it cause it was there before. Just like Pittsburgh Lake and I can give you the fact's to back that one up, I even have pictures, didn't think I ever been up there until my mom told me I had, my Dad and family used to run coal from Heber and this valley. I know reason also, so don't tell me what I want to here, tell me what happen, cause past is past, but now is be honest or go fly a kite. Justy though anyway, do bother replying cause I would get it anything soon.


Sandy, Ut
BLH said:
Boy that was Text book response! Ha! Ha!

Dripping with irony there Brent... all your text prove to be textbook... you CAN'T understand a word your antagonistic ass is saying...

So now you can start working on one for mineral basin, since it is own by snowbird for after tailing are removed.

WTF are you talking about? Yes, Snowbird owns property, both in Mineral Basin, Miller Hill, and even Pittsburgh...

Then you can explaine why my cousine owns land similar and has to maintain access through it cause it was there before.

Probably because of Utah States 10 year Statute, requiring that access be maintained to all public land if it has been accessable for over 10 years...

Problem is, it is dufficult to prove that Pittsburgh was LEGALLY passable for 10 continuous years, and even harder to come up with the $$$ to take it to court... but once again... the road and its destination (most) are PRIVATE PROPERTY, therefore they DO NOT consider it a public access route.

Dad and family used to run coal ...

He didn't by chance feed your mother some while you were in the womb did he? Might explain your mild-severe issue...

I know reason also, so don't tell me what I want to here, tell me what happen, cause past is past, but now is be honest or go fly a kite...

That is the reason, why don't you quit "flying your kite" and tell me why YOU think Pittsburgh is closed...
Last edited:


Sandy, Ut
crapmanche4l said:
is that english :ugh:

No, it has been termed "Brentbonics" over the years. A few things everyone ought to know about Brent..

1. He is always negative...
2. He can save the world, but prefers not to...
3. U4WDA (all VOLUNTEERS BTW) has seriously harmed Brent in the past...
4. Brent can't spell to save his life...
5. He is always negative...

Brent Joke:

Whats the difference between Brent and G0D?

G0D doesn't think he is Brent...


James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
cruiseroutfit said:
No, it has been termed "Brentbonics" over the years. A few things everyone ought to know about Brent..

1. He is always negative...
2. He can save the world, but prefers not to...
3. U4WDA (all VOLUNTEERS BTW) has seriously harmed Brent in the past...
4. Brent can't spell to save his life...
5. He is always negative...

Brent Joke:

Whats the difference between Brent and G0D?

G0D doesn't think he is Brent...


enlightening and funny :rofl: :rofl:

andy d

come on, give me a hug.
west jordan,
BLH said:
I really could careless anymore what happens up there.

thats an awsome attitude brent, "don't do anything unless it directly benefits you." we need more people like you helping out our cause. Hey I've got a great idea, I have an old skate board I'll trade you straight across for your rig, that way you don't have to worry about trails staying open.