anyone have shop space?

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Brad Yates

airwalks are cool
ok. not like it matters anymore, but i'll rephrase the question using the most proper english i remember from before i learned finnish. here it goes.

I'm Brad Yates. I was raised in a rich family that preferred to tour castles in Europe than to grill up a steak in the parking lot waiting for the game to start. When i was 17 yrs old i got my first jeep, brand new off the lot. 3 weeks later i was stuck in a big mud puddle. No one in my family had ever offroaded before and no one had a clue but it was somehow in my blood and it drove me to modify my jeep bit by bit. we had no tools so i bought everything i needed when the need arose. My mom wouldn't let me do anything too crazy to it so i had to wait until i was away at college and then cut the jeep up. I had no place to work on it so i did what i could in at my 10 by 10 storage unit, using their electricity too. Other places i've managed to do a little wrenching is the jeep dealership Brent Brown i think. Those guys are way nice and they let me borrow some tools as i worked on my jeep in their parking lot for several hours. The service guy still remembers me and let me sit down with their jeep manual to figure out what's up with the electrics. I've also done a ton of work in my college dorm parking lot. i ran a long extension cord out the window of my friends dorm to drill on the jeep. I try to be as self-sufficient as possible. I have a york under the hood to work on my jeep with air tools. I also carry a huge tool chest in the back of my jeep so i can stop off anywhere and fix my jeep. But i still don't have a home here, just sharing a dorm with 3 other guys and a spot in the parking lot. So in order to make the next step i want to learn to weld. again i don't know anyone back at home that knows how to weld so i have to rely on people out here, many unknown to me. i'm thinking about putting in an underhood welder so i don't have to bug anyone to use their tools. so... what am i asking? let's start from step one and forget the rest. anyone want to teach a 21 yr old quick learner how to weld up 2 pieces of steel? and i have no problem paying for supplies or cost of use. i just have a problem paying people to do the work for me. i'm trying to learn as well as make my jeep work better. i do have a problem with time. i only have saturdays open. and i have a problem with traveling long distances because i'm still shocked at how much gas has gone up since i've been gone.

well i hope that was more informative. let's close this discussion now. please reply only if you want to offer a couple hours of your time to teach me a bit of your vast knowledge. i have no rush.

oh and of course thanks to Von for blow torching my shifter, thanks to James for the plasma cutter fun, and thanks to sukaB (if he's still around) for teaching me the ropes to roll cages. and of course all the fun i've had learning how to wheel by watching and listening to you guys.
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James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
Brad Yates said:
ok. not like it matters anymore, but i'll rephrase the question using the most proper english i remember from before i learned finnish. here it goes.

I'm Brad Yates. I was raised in a rich family that preferred to tour castles in Europe than to grill up a steak in the parking lot waiting for the game to start. When i was 17 yrs old i got my first jeep, brand new off the lot. 3 weeks later i was stuck in a big mud puddle. No one in my family had ever offroaded before and no one had a clue but it was somehow in my blood and it drove me to modify my jeep bit by bit. we had no tools so i bought everything i needed when the need arose. My mom wouldn't let me do anything too crazy to it so i had to wait until i was away at college and then cut the jeep up. I had no place to work on it so i did what i could in at my 10 by 10 storage unit, using their electricity too. Other places i've managed to do a little wrenching is the jeep dealership Brent Brown i think. Those guys are way nice and they let me borrow some tools as i worked on my jeep in their parking lot for several hours. The service guy still remembers me and let me sit down with their jeep manual to figure out what's up with the electrics. I've also done a ton of work in my college dorm parking lot. i ran a long extension cord out the window of my friends dorm to drill on the jeep. I try to be as self-sufficient as possible. I have a york under the hood to work on my jeep with air tools. I also carry a huge tool chest in the back of my jeep so i can stop off anywhere and fix my jeep. But i still don't have a home here, just sharing a dorm with 3 other guys and a spot in the parking lot. So in order to make the next step i want to learn to weld. again i don't know anyone back at home that knows how to weld so i have to rely on people out here, many unknown to me. i'm thinking about putting in an underhood welder so i don't have to bug anyone to use their tools. so... what am i asking? let's start from step one and forget the rest. anyone want to teach a 21 yr old quick learner how to weld up 2 pieces of steel? and i have no problem paying for supplies or cost of use. i just have a problem paying people to do the work for me. i'm trying to learn as well as make my jeep work better. i do have a problem with time. i only have saturdays open. and i have a problem with traveling long distances because i'm still shocked at how much gas has gone up since i've been gone.

well i hope that was more informative. let's close this discussion now. please reply only if you want to offer a couple hours of your time to teach me a bit of your vast knowledge. i have no rush.

oh and of course thanks to Von for blow torching my shifter, thanks to James for the plasma cutter fun, and thanks to sukaB (if he's still around) for teaching me the ropes to roll cages. and of course all the fun i've had learning how to wheel by watching and listening to you guys.
nice Brad :cool:


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
anyone have a d60 around they can let me borrow--ohh and help put in my jeep on the third friday of next month--but only within 112 feet of my house (damn electronic monitering device, Martha won't respond to my emails to tell me how to get it off...)




Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
Wait a minute, I wasnt trying to be a dick or anything and if I had the room and the time Id help, I posted what I did because I thaught the first post kind of came off a little, hmmm, cocky?

I didnt know johnnie160 prior to having his heap in my garage for the last 2 months and I offered to help him with what I have.

And to further defend myself, ask Tim or Pat where the first garage was they called on when they needed a quick tool or warm floor nearest the college?

All well, Im an a$$...... :ugh:

besides cant anyone be a devils ad here, stupid mini POR..... hehe, c'mon, hehe


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Brad Yates said:
let's close this discussion now. please reply only if you want to offer a couple hours of your time to teach me a bit of your vast knowledge. i have no rush.

C'mon Brad. You have to appreciate the fact that all this back and forth has prevented your thread from dropping to to the bottom of the RME posts unread black hole. Look at it as free advertising. And maybe some gentle soul will feel for you having to put up with our crap and help you out! I really have a feeling this could work out for you!

Brad Yates

airwalks are cool
OCNORB said:
C'mon Brad. You have to appreciate the fact that all this back and forth has prevented your thread from dropping to to the bottom of the RME posts unread black hole. Look at it as free advertising. And maybe some gentle soul will feel for you having to put up with our crap and help you out! I really have a feeling this could work out for you!

lol :rofl: that was the funniest thing i've heard all day!


"Why You Say"
Salty City
I think after all that's been said what we can probably all agree on is that it truely sucks to be poor college student and have that "Jeep Thing" going on! He's probably a decent guy just look at the facts: 1) He likes Jeeps 2) He goes to the "Y", 3) He's got a great first name, and, most importantly, 4) James likes him. I think the problem is that he's probably majoring in enginering or computer science and he just don't know how to talk right. He'll get over it--let's hope.


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
radjeeper said:
just look at the facts: 1) He likes Jeeps 2) He goes to the "Y", 3) He's got a great first name, and, most importantly, 4) James likes him.
Those are really bad facts............. :ugh:
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