Anyone heard what the game plan will be for this?


Active Member
Sandy, UT
I was thinking more in terms of enforcement. Its easy to say we'll crackdown, much harder to do so with limited man power.

And yes I agree, trail definition could prove tricky as well.


Formerly Beardy McGee
I would love to see something take affect. The government should come up with a plan to blitz areas with LEO's willing to write astronomical ticket amounts for OHV misuse, namely illegal routes.

I say write tickets for $2k... 5k.. whatever gets the point across.. Impound the equipment too.

Someone needs to grow balls and flex some muscle, otherwise people will not learn what the rules are.. They're ignorant. Sucks, but it's true.
I was thinking more in terms of enforcement. Its easy to say we'll crackdown, much harder to do so with limited man power.

And yes I agree, trail definition could prove tricky as well.

No, not really. Every trail in a designated routes only area is documented on the travel plan established by the managing agency in charge. It is the responsibility of the user to know where the trail is.

Right now it's talk to satisfy one side. Telling DNR to step up enforcement is like saying we're going to check pre-schoolers for liquor. DNR will only work and enforce on state lands. That disregards the 90%+ of public lands in Utah that are federal.

I'm concerned that USA-ALL's statements in the article condone off-trail resource damage. This thinking leads to closure.