anyone into natural beef?

I'd put Holstein beef up against Jersey any day of the week. Best meat I've ever had was Holstein, and its super lean. My dad owns a dairy in Brigham City. I've never had to buy a pound of beef in my life. That might be the only thing my wife loves about my family: )

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Natural, as in raised without hormones or other added growth crap, only fed naturally sourced food like corn, grass, barley, etc. Why don't you eat beef, are you a health risk or something?

So this thread is about "organic" beef. I don't eat beef because I choose not to. Don't get me started on choices and decisions, it'll only blow Kurt's mind. :)
Not 100% organic, just not raised in their own manure and are allowed to actually graze and grow at a natural rate. I wont even get into how most cows are treated and how much crap they are given just so they "survive" and not kill us when eaten. Go watch the video "Fresh" and you will be astounded.
Not to spoil your dinner but Dale Smith's is where most local farmers take their cattle when their all but dead. As long as it will walk they will take it. I know that's not all they get but that's a lot of it.

Well their "all but dead" cows are delicious, and they seem quite lively in their pens.:D
The pigs we raise are pastured like beef, and we give them corn twice a day. We get between 250-400 dollars per pig depending on how big they are. We trade a 300 dollar pig to an Amish guy up the road for a quarter beef (250 pounds after processing) that is raised the same as our pigs. Bartering rocks!

Grass and corn fed beef and Pork taste a lot better than pen raised to me and the Family. We have all our pigs spoken for in the first couple of weeks after they are born. We are going to be getting some cows next year after taxes hopefully.

I miss the mountains, but the land is at least cheap enough that I could buy my own Farm.