Anyone know anything about chickens?


always modifing something
Sandy Utah
chicken ****!

Fighting Chickens? Awesome! They better do something besides taste good for that kind of cash. I think he is full of it.

Fight on!

I doubt they were fighting chickens. If they were they might have lived! If they were fighting chickens, He ought to keep quiet about that, after the Michael Vick thing.

I think KFC is having a special right now on a bucket of chicken!

I would counter sue for time wasted, and emotional stress! LOL


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Supporting Member
They always have them for a few bucks at IFA in the spring.

If you give me his address, I'll egg his house and send him a bill for $300 per egg that his property breaks.


Well-Known Member
I have 8 hens and 1 roster, they s**t all over the yard and the rooster starts crowing at 4:30 AM.

any thing else you need to know?


Registered User
Wow just saw this if you need a chicken expert ai can play one, I have 16 of them might have $50 into them all over a three year period.


Registered User
Yeah none of them exist on that site and they are the only place that I know of to get any kind of chickens, Dallas Greens and IFA buy from them.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I need to find out more from the animal control officer. I dont know if Ill fight it, or just pay to be done with it.
I had chickens for a year in 2005. They were awesome (and still there, I just moved). Fresh eggs that if they are vegetarian fed are literally delicious. Hard to describe "delicious" eggs but seriously they are "vivid" or something like that... Most eggs now taste a whole lot more bland now I suppose. I was lucky in that I didn't have to do the terminating. When you own chickens you kill them a lot. A lot of folks leave the house open on purpose so a coyote or whatever will kill it, saves them the hassle and disgusting parts of it...