Anyone watch Survivorman?


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
as I recall Herzog, you were the very first on RME to show how weird (and wrong) members here often are.

right after I joined RME you pm'ed me back and forth 14 times arguing the definition of Radius arms. and that a specific vehicle didn't come from the factory with "radius arms"
even though that manufacturer's site listed the replacement part as "radius arm"

but since it didn't meet your definition of "radius arm" you argued strenuously with me about it.

way to represent your site that you "part own" by treating new members like that (being veritably wrong, and a jerk), I almost left for good. (and I bet the rest of you wish I had)

you sir are the badass

lol, I'd love to see the list of people who you have perceived to have wronged you in life (interweb, tv, or otherwise), because dude, if a discussion like that from a couple years ago is still something you feel compelled to bring up, then I'm frightened for you. What an empty, shallow, horrifically insecure existence that must be. But, of course you think the opposite as you'll point out, and you're right, and in four years I'll probably hear about how I crossed you…probably from a sticker on the back of a radius armed vehicle.

For the record, in 1990 I was ten, and I thought rasslin was real. I also thought Santa Clause was real. What an idiot!


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Oh so now wrestling and Santa aren't real? Thanks for ruining my day, Cody. I'm not going to forget this


Well-Known Member
No one has anything else better to do......Really?

To put it into perspective, the guys that discovered it are hikers and backpackers. They've camped in the area, and thought a few of the scenes looked familiar, so they followed the clues from the show to find out the exact locations. Only trouble was, the clues from the show were totally off, so it made it tricky.

I'm sure if Petersen's went to Moab and did a feature article on a secret trail without mentioning the location, we'd all try to find out where it was. Some of us would even try to go there on our next trip. The guys that discovered this are no different. We geek out on crawl ratios, break over angles, and link calculators, while they geek out on finding the location of where this guy camped, since it's in their backyard. I can see it growing into a passion there when they realized just how much liberty he took to make an interesting episode, and how deceived they felt.

I think it's awesome they were able to recreate where he actually went, with just google maps and scenes from the episode.


Random Dead Guy
Sandy Utah
I was watching some episodes of "Future Weapons" and thought about this thread for some reason.

I think Mack has the skills and background he does, but there are some elements of Future Weapons that are so fake...

I'm pretty sure he doesn't talk in his frighteningly serious exaggerated whisper all the time in real life.


Active Member
Orem, UT
I enjoy the show. i am skeptical (as coco can tell you) to basically everything, but i like that it "appears" that he films it himself, and does a good job portraying a survival situation. I think it is cool that the guys found out where it was. i would like to see where all of the episodes are. It gives you stuff to think about if you ever were lost in the woods. Anyway, let the fight continue, that was really entertaining me on a boring day at work. :D