Are you a RADICAL anti-environmentalist? Then what are you?


Sandy, Ut
DrMoab said:
...Why are we not picketing REI and other pro anti-access buisness?

Why are we not sitting in front of Wal-Mart with petition drives and gathering people signatures?

SUWA wonders around with people knocking on doors. Why aren't we?

Human resources (actually the lack thereof). We have SOOOOO many opportunities presented to us (us = U4WDA) and we have to politely tell them we can't because we don't have enough manpower. We are working on changing that now, but its not happening fast enough... :(


Well-Known Member
Highland Springs
BLH said:
Ez, you problem, I know you don't want hear it is. You reacted to something, without taking time, to look at both sides of coin. Don't believe me, step back and look at whatyou just wrote for minute, think about who you have having the problem with and then why. I'm not saying you were wrong, just sometimes,if step back little, there is maybe better way to get point cross. Cause by reacting way you did, will make most people become defensive.
But thiswas just thought fromsomeone, that is negative! :greg:

EZ, you are a radical, Mike is an enviromentalist and I see no reason to not be both........and BLH IS a tool.


Bald Guy
utahmike said:
man do i have some thoughts on this...but it's late. EZ if your radical i cant imagine what i am!!! I am an environmentalist. I have flouro bulbs throughout my house, i drive 4 cyl. subaru, not the hatchback, i love wild utah and hate the stickers, i like the smell of 2 stroke engines in the morning, although other than my weed eater dont own one. I got my 77 bronco to get 13 miles to the gallon (hey thats really good) i recycle what i can, i think wind power is great, i am for hydrogen fuel cells, yes i will pay more taxes to buy and fund these things, i ride mass transit often, i like commuter rail, i backpack more than all of suwas staff combined..and i bet i ahve way sweeter gear. i have a dog. i adopted him, i eat granola and hummus, yes i have shoped at good earth, and i used to shop at REI, a long time ago and NEVER again. Anyway I am an environmentalist, but i think humans are apart of the environment, and i think it's okay to kill a few bugs and plants in the name of humans well being, socio economics, and so on. i think motorized recreation is okay, i think it has it's place, and it's time. Humans wont destroy the world or her ecosystems, trust me. If an asteriod wiped out 95% of all living species 60 million years ago, which gave rise to humans, i'm pretty sure she can survive us. does that mean we act irresponsibly no, it's in our species best interest to treat her with respect. Extreme enviro's and extreme anything is bad, and is usually about motives other than what common sense people want. yes money is a big part of it. But as long as thier are good people with common sense thier is hope and we can hold on to what is right. The earth will survive, lets just hope we pass her on to future generations in the same or better state than we now have. Which means we need a better trail system for off roading! oh, and dont forget comuter rail to Nephi. That would be great

PS, there is nothing radical about not supporting businesses that fund extreme ideals, or even ideals contrary to our own, we all do it, whether we know it or not.
AMEN! Common sense RULES!


Registered User
Provo, UT
OCNORB said:
Actually, I would consider myself an environmentalist. The "greenie" groups that you speak of are anti-people, anti-common sense, anti-use, and anti-freedom. The whole reason I started wheeling was to get to the great places that this state has to offer. Part of it in the 4x4 and part on foot. All of it for the same reason-- to enjoy the outdoors with my family and friends.

Well said. Exactly what I was thinking.


Cedar Hills
This thread is so good that it's worth bringing BTT.

I'm for starting a new group with a message targeted at the Greens- Unified Public Conservation and Recreation Advocacy Coalition (UPCRAC).

Alan ;)