Area BFE-Green Day June 20th


A group of 7 rigs from the We Be Jeepin' went out to explore Area BFE. The day was overcast and a breeze helped keep the gnats to a minimum.

We began our trip by tackling the Gate Keeper, which is the first obstacle of the Helldorado trail. Some of the recent rains and flash floods have changed this obstacle since we last were on it. It’s starting to get harder….again.

Here’s a photo of Jeff climbing through the Gate Keeper.

Next, Gary Lee…..concentrate!

On to Minor Threat trail with lots of rocks and boulders. This technical trail is a diff catcher and requires careful tire placement.

Jim shows us how to climb this obstacle without breaking an axle.

Next, we started up Green Day. This is an awesome trail, as the photos will show. I was determined to not break an axle today and luckily, no one did.

Jeff found a relatively new, fun obstacle off to the left side the Green Day wash. The big rigs went this direction.

Others chose the traditional route, which is a big ledge in itself.

Gary Lee comes up the infamous Green Day waterfall, looking good!

Next, we continue up the wash where things start getting a little tippy. Keep your hand in John!
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More Green Day

More narrow, tippy spots. Yours truly has to pick some different lines to get those full width axles through!
I no sooner got through and started working my way up the next set of ledges when I heard Jeff yell, “Bring the camera!” I ran back to discover……

Rick was caught in an “extreme lean”! Apparently he was almost through the obstacle but slipped off the boulder, getting a nice little crunch on the driver door.

Oops! Poor Rick, hang in there buddy!

The rule is….if you can drive out of it, its not a flop! In fact, when I got back there with the camera, those were the first words out of Rick’s mouth! With a little strap help and a couple of guys to help pull the front end down, Rick drove on through. Not without a little damage though. Nothing a little sawzall can’t fix!
But, that’s not the end of the fun. John got stuck on a tricky obstacle and needed to be “jacked” up. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a Jack on the trail so we had to make due with a Gary Lee. Hold on until we get some rocks stacked under there!

After John slipped down over the rock on this same obstacle, his bumper took a little damage. He’s still smiling though!

That mean old obstacle got Rick too. Gary draws the line at being a Jeep jack. Too heavy! Instead, out came the winch line.

Susan, towards the end of the line for the entire day showed us how to crawl over everything. She wasn’t without damage though. She showed up at the trailhead with a sliced sidewall, courtesy of the county road. She did the entire trail with plugs sticking out. I think new tires are in your future Susan!

Jim was our tail gunner and went so quickly over the obstacles that I barely had time to park and get back to grab photos…..

I know I always say that it was a really fun trail and a great day but it’s true. Good job Rick, you did more than tip-toe through BFE. Don’t worry about those scratches, they’ll buff out. Anyway, I hear there might be a Samurai in your future??

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See ya on the trail.
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