Ashley National Forest Travel Management


Let's Ride!
Supporting Member
So what is the real deal about the roads north of Vernal being gated off, and why is the forest service being secret about it?

This flyer is going around town there, I will post a PDF on it as well

The Forest Service has been circulating a flyer entitled "Ashley National Forest Travel Management"

The flyer they are circulating is full of bogus information, and is just an attempt to silence the voice of the people. Chris Rutledge has been telling people that the petitions won’t be counted. That is a direct violation of the Constitution (Amendment 1) to disregard a petition to the government for a redress of our grievances. By law they have to be counted as legal documents and as public comment.

According to the flyer the Forest Service claims it is actually opening more areas to travel compared to the EXHISTING travel plan, which is plan A which was implemented since 1999 which reduced travel to about 1400 miles of designated road. What they aren’t’ telling us is how many roads they didn’t designate on Plan A. They are using their own proposed designated routes to prove their point. HOW DOES THAT WORK?
Also the flyer still states that they plan to restrict camping to 150’ from the designated road.

The flyer is just propaganda to try to appease the citizens so they can implement their limitation without opposition. I
If you haven’t signed the petitions please do so. Also call your representatives.

Bob Bennett (202) 224-5444
Orin Hatch (202) 224-5922
Jim Matheson (202) 225-3011
Jason Chaffetz (202) 225-7751

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Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
On the Dixie NF website there is a notice that the Public Comment Period for the DEIS for the Motorized Travel Plan has been extended for 45 days to July 16th

Anyone familar with the roads and trails in the Ashley NF needs to look at the DEIS and be sure to get comments in on anything that is being closed that shouldn't be.

It's important to get the comments in as it give you standing to protest a closure if it's something that you made comment on.

Comments need to be specific and not just general "don't close anything" statements. This is where the knowledge of local users who are familar with what's actually there is very useful. Those of us not in the area can look at the maps, but we don't really know for sure what is being proposed to be closed.
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