attachments not showing up??

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Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
well that's weird, it won't let me preview any changes. :(

I'll try in another browser. Argh. Using the latest Firefox Beta, if that helps. Going to try in Chrome.

Hrmph. This is what I got when tried to insert the files again, and preview changes in Chrome:
Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Quiet, you, the rest of them show up fine. -_-

It's a uh, kernel problem with port 458, it's not resolving because of uhmmm an SQL recursive attenuation.

...let's not talk about my riding failure, but rather, my crashing WIN. :rofl:
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