ATV's Harm All


These go to 11
You just made me angry........well, the comments did

I know. I was having a good day until. The trib f**ked it all up. I am going to keep on the "spicy" joker. Last time I called someone out we ended up connecting and he is much more understanding and even came out to NPLD with WOW.
I know. I was having a good day until. The trib f**ked it all up. I am going to keep on the "spicy" joker.

Seth, I worry about you spending time on the comment section of the Trib. It's stressful to read what these idiots write, and very little good (if any) comes from it. I worry about your health. We don't need to add any stress to your life. I already don't know how we're going to replace your contributions to U4 when you are no longer able, and we don't need to speed-up that issue.

Last time I called someone out we ended up connecting and he is much more understanding and even came out to NPLD with WOW.

That has turned out to be a good contact, but I doubt there are many more reasonable people on there.