Auto or Manual


Active Member
Is an auto tranny or manual better for going off road? I have to ask because some guy today was telling me auto was the only way to go. Just curious what everyones opinion is. Thanks


Registered User
Draper, ut
i think it depends what your doing or personal pref i like a manual personally just because i have control over what gear i'm in and the power i need but it's a lot harder to use on hills but it's nice to let the engine slow you down on steep hills just my two cents


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
cjkepsel said:
Is an auto tranny or manual better for going off road? I have to ask because some guy today was telling me auto was the only way to go. Just curious what everyones opinion is. Thanks

Define going off road?

The reason I ask is what do you what to do with your rig?

I have run 4 speeds for a long time and love them, but current I have 700r4 in my scrambler and I am enjoying it.

Is it the ONLY way to go, meaning that I can go place a manual can't, then NO. Dtoy and I wheel all the time and he goes as many places as I do and he has 5 speed in his 4runner...

Both have their merit, depends on what you want/expect... :)


Well-Known Member
its personal opinion IMO, I'll never use a manual again (if I can help it) after using an auto...but I do know of a lot of people that swear by manuals and refuse to use autos.


Registered User
for me, it's more a reliability problem, I'm running a nv4500 doubler, because I have seriously smoked more then one transmission in my day, also, if you break a manual on the trail, barring some major catastrophic failure, ie. bending a cluster gear etc, you can generally give yourself at least one gear my 2 cents


Starting Another Thread
Sunny Arizona
I wheel both at the present time......... AUTO! :D Competition or trail riding, I see NO advantage in either, but why not kick back and enjoy the trail? auto, auto, auto...... Get the hint? :rofl:


Sandy, Ut
Personal preference... Those that master each of them, really master them (think Dean Bulloch ;)). I wouldn't trade my 5 speed, but then again its not a dedicated trail rig, rather I enjoy driving it to and from the trail, expedition type stuff, etc... :D


All downhill from here
Have driven both since the mid 60's. Used to prefer the stick because I drove junk and it was easier to bump start or find one remaining workable gear to limp home on.
I drive a little bit better junk nowdays, use an auto, and like stated above will never go back.
Alot of hard core stick guys are old farts like me that resist change.


I'm addicted
Herriman, UT
My whole family drives autos. I have never had experience with a manual but my uncle had a manual switched to an auto and said he wouldn't go back either.


Supporting Member
ogden ut
I had a Scout t-19 in my CJ7 behind a amc 360 . Put in a 727 auto and Tera-low to compensate for the gearing. I do what ever I want in Moab.

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
Auto off-road, manual for the tow rig. :D

Automatic trannies work just dandy uphill AND downhill, with the proper gearing.


I drive Frankenstein!!
I agree, downhill is a little tricky, just make sure you get a good shifter. I like my B&M megashifter... it's a ratcheting type.

Oh and I have a 4spd auto (4L60E) and I like it


Smooth Gang Founding Member
i think manual is more fun, but auto allows you to focus more on other things.
auto gets kind of boring to me, but it doesn't really matter.


I just switched to manual from auto and with the right gearing, it's just as easy as an automatic. For instance, on a hill, I can be in 4 Low and 1st gear, and with one foot on the break and the other on the cluth, I can let the clutch out all the way, slowly, with the other foor still applying break (without using ANY gas) and the rig will take off up the hill. I can't stop the thing with the brakes in 1st gear. I personally love to be able to control it a little more, not to mention that it's WAY better for going downhills than my auto was. just my .02