I spent some time in the shop yesterday, most of it organizing. By thinking just a little smarter I was able to save a lot of space and future mental storage.
Just a silly example: in my former life, I bought a lot of screws. Building decks / repairing doors / fencing / etc.
They have always been stored in my truck bed drawers, because that’s where I needed them. Now I don’t, and they end up on any flat surface in the garage, and have to get moved out of the way all the time.
Same with my framing nailer and boxes of framing nails.
So yesterday I combined boxes of half used screws, and have them a dedicated drawer with the nails and gun.
2 boxes of these into 1, and put in a place they can now belong. Silly little thing, but huge benefit. Did that a handful of different times, and half the shop looks better!