Best dinner ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Formerly YJMAMA
Magna, UT
Tonight I was happy to see Joe's wife Angie walk into the house, no walker or cane.

It got even better when Joe tried to tease her she yelled at him and punched him.

Angie was especially mad when Joe reminded her that he sold her Jeep!

Every time I see Angie I am blown away at the progress she is making.


Formerly YJMAMA
Magna, UT
This is what Joe posted 1-17-2007 for those that don't know.....

My wonderful wife Angela was in need of a kidney transplant when she suffered not one but 2 strokes. We do have a donor lined up, Angie's is still making some good steady progress. Stroke 1 (March 13) she was recovering from and only in the hospital for 3 weeks. Angie was walking, talking and going about life pretty good. She was getting better at home. Stroke 2 (June 16) was much worse, this one happened in the brain stem area, plus reinjured the first stroke area in the front of her brain. She still has almost equal movement and range on both sides. She communicates by blinking and squeezing her hands. I have not heard her speak for 5 months, or seen her walk in 6 months. Angie has not been home since June 16th, she did visit for a few hours one day then returned to her care center.


Fight Till You Die
I had assumed things must be going good since I hadn't read anything about her in awhile. Thats good to know!


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away

That's awesome! If I were her, I'd defy the doctors just so I could get a shot at Joe. Now that I'm thinking about it, I think that's exactly what she did!!!

Great news, guys!!! GO ANGIE!!


Well-Known Member
Friggin sister.....-_- ..... her mom told her that I took her cane away from her, when she just hid it from her. So all day she has been pissed at me. She promised me that she would be walking by our 10 year anniversary (May8th) or my b-day (May 15th). I'll get some vid soon.

Mead, WA
That's awesome!!! All the time I hear these updates it just pisses me off that the other dr's were basically killing her - definately not helping at least.