

somewhat damaged
I was lucky to not lose any money on crypto, except for small amounts on random off-shoot ones that I tested out.

I'm embarrassed that I went full in on the ideology of crypto. I was fooled, hook line and sinker. I won't touch the shit anymore, nor will I promote it like I did in the past.

The idea of distributed commerce is a good idea, but the block-chains are not what they seem. They are flawed and they are designed for tracking everything. Anybody who says you can (successfully) use it anonymously is a liar.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I'm not a fan, but this is pretty cool. He took the college money his grandma gave him, bought bitcoin and quit high school. :rofl::rofl:



I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
I'm not a fan, but this is pretty cool. He took the college money his grandma gave him, bought bitcoin and quit high school. :rofl::rofl:

My BIL parlayed a short play on Bitcoin last fall. Took 10k and and turned it into 156k. He tried to explain the process for doing it, but it made my head hurt.


Threat Level Midnight


I run a tight ship... wreck
My time 'investing' in crypto worked out pretty well, honestly.... but it was before the crash and I just started buying low, selling high. As much as crypto moves, it's not hard making money, getting in & out at the dips.

I sold all my crypto & rolled it over to the stock market. The only thing I have crypto related is shares of a mining company I like...



Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
I have probably spent a retirements worth of money over the last 15 years of being involved in motorcycle racing.......but it has been money well spent on my kids.

I used to be a ten-thousandaire.
11th year here lol.
Last year we did 55ish race entry fees and travel to 20 separate races. Bought 3 race bikes.
Thanks a lot Paul.

Still a better investment than crypto lol.

Bitcoin has never really gone down. It's corrected after huge increases in popularity, but it has always rebounded hard in ~3yr supercycles. You could have bought bitcoin at absolutely ANY price and made (significant) money.

'Jew guys remember when I said this like exactly 3 years ago?
Hope you suckers never sold, cuz here we go again.
