Blackberry Pearl ?


one small mod at a time
GF has to have one, and my Katana **** the bed, so I ported over from Sprint to Cingular, and she traded in her Razer on two matching Pearl's.

From Day One, weird issues, get both my Yahoo mailboxes loaded, won't show my whole inbox, and is selective about which of my new messages it shows.

Today it quit dialing out, phone has maybe 5 hours on it.

The only abuse it has seen is I had it 5-7 feet from where I was laying fiberglass, stupid as it mat sound, could the vapors from the glasswork have caused it damage, like water damage, but more chemical vapor damage?

Hers turns off sporadically, and won't turn back on, yes the turn off settings are disabled... (although that would be a cruel trick... heheh .. not sure why your phone shuts off for 5 hours at a time dear...)_

Are these things in the "Windows Vista" stage of development, great idea, great features, not ready to be marketed yet? Or ddi we get two rolled off the line Friday at beer 30 phones?

I know there are smart cell phone guys here, and I are not one of them.... (went to the BlackBerry Forum, and oh my Gawd! have to have an MIT tech degree to even load the page!)


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I have the Verizon BlackBerry Pearl 8130. It's the same form-factor as yours, but a whole different phone inside. It's easily the best phone I've ever had. Everything on it seems to work like it's supposed to, and the only call I've ever dropped on it was in the middle of Spanish Fork canyon. I average about two conference calls on it per day, each one usually one to two hours. Some days there are more. Basically I use it a lot and never have any problems. My email comes to it almost exactly the same time it comes to my outlook inbox. It's been really good. Sorry I can't give you much insight on your AT&T Pearl, but I can tell you how to get one that you'll be happy with. :greg:

Paul R

Well-Known Member
I have the pearl and I love the phone it works like a charm! I had the pearl button stop working on it but T-mobile sent me out a replacement no charge. I have no problems with the e-mail or internet in fact I can tether it to my laptob to get an internet connection... pretty cool :cool:


Well-Known Member
My Company uses Cingular and I can say that we've never had a single Pearl with issues (probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 100-150 Pearls right now). Like Braden said, the Pearl has been an excellent phone. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend a Pearl to anyone. I think it's either user error (no offense intended) or you got two lemons.


one small mod at a time
None taken on the user error. Another thought that was just fed to me is the SIM card may be faulty. Putiing it back together right now (had to have a phone, so I went back to the Razor for the afternoon). Apparently Jennifer has had faulty SIM's before, and that is what she suspects, and where we picked them up at the same time, could have been a bad lot.

If it ain't happy (mine) by tomorrow, guess I will go see the fine people at Cosco.


one small mod at a time
Seems to work just fine now, any thoughts on the inbox from either yahoo mailbox not appearing?

And, uhh, I played with the telenav a bit... how effective is the avaialble Bluetooth GPS probe gonna be for the tulies?

My hesitation with "urban" navi systems, or GPS mapping, is If I wanted a read at .... Poison Spider say... or when I was up American Fork canyon in the van a million years ago, and I found a washed out road, woulda been nice to have a GPS to go, this is where I was, is that "(insert trailhead name here)"?

Or would I be money ahead just buying a dedicated GPS, like the Garmin unit Kurt has raved about?
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Tin Foil Hat Equipped
I've got a 8830 (sprint). To get your location I copy location to clipboard and then email it to myself. I guess it depends on your requirements for a GPS. Mine seems like it picks up my location but then sits there trying to aquire satalites forever. I don't think it would be good if you wanted to upload tracks but it works in a pinch when your in a new city and just need some directions.
Sorry reread your question, are you using a bluetooth GPS or the built in one? (I use the internal but I believe some companies have disabled it).

I downloaded the google pack that includes google maps and it is cool to see the satellite view of where you are.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I have a verizon pearl as well. It froze on me once, but that was a couple months ago.

The only other problem I've had is with my work email. RIM sent me messasges saying that their email service was about to be discontinued and I had to download a program to my server to continue using it (they gave me 1 free download). Well, the download was always corrupt, it's impossible (literally) to get any customer support from RIM without paying for a service package, and nobody on the planet has an answer why I can't verify/validate my vzw.blackberry email address so I can forward my work email to it. Verizon has no clue, but at least they call you back after a few days to tell you they have no clue.

so, all of this is going on for about 2 months, our IT guy and I were/are completely confused (and I'm mad that I pay 55 dollars per month for the ability to NOT get my email) and 2 nights ago at 2 a.m. my phone decided to forward the last months worth of emails to it vibrated every 5 seconds for 45 minutes. but now my email works but we have no idea why since nobody changed a thing and the RIM website still won't allow me to activate my .vzw.blackberry email.

I have no explanation, but if RIM actually was itnerested in helping me I would be more than happy to share my experience....but I'm not going to pay them for the honor.

other than that, I'm very pleased with my pearl.
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Tin Foil Hat Equipped
Did some more "research" today with my phone. I have blackberry maps loaded on mine. When I can't get a cell signal it won't pull in maps. Telenav might be different but I would verify that before counting on it to do anything where you don't have signal.


one small mod at a time
When I can't get a cell signal it won't pull in maps. Telenav might be different but I would verify that before counting on it to do anything where you don't have signal.

I was actually referencing using the gps probe.. will buy a standalone, or the DeLorme setup for mah laptop.

Her computer, is a MacBook, the blackberry cd rom doesn't work in a mac.

Can you send music files via bluetooth to the phone, have been sending pics back and forth from the fruitbook to the fone, but haven't quite got music down....?