BLM Council Nominations Being Accepted


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I and 4 others I could name have tried to no avail but I think we should keep trying. This has been discussed at the U4 board meetings but we do not know what the secret is to being accepted. Frank White, the owner of ATK Motorcycles, is the present OHV rep on the RAC.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I have been unable to get a definitive answer as to why rejected. In fact of the 4 people I know that submitted applications have never given a reason either. Maybe I should call Sherry and press her on the subject.


Sandy, Ut
I have been unable to get a definitive answer as to why rejected. In fact of the 4 people I know that submitted applications have never given a reason either. Maybe I should call Sherry and press her on the subject.

I absolutely would, at a minimum find out what (who) they are actually looking for in a candidate and if nothing else it will help fine tune the applications of future potentials. Any idea on the time commitment on a monthly basis? Are they currently seeking an OHV rep or just a public at large rep?
category three, which includes: holders of state, county or local elected office; representatives of Indian tribes; employees of a state agency responsible for management of natural resources; representatives of academia involved in natural sciences; or the public at large.

Hard to get in there.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
As Steve said, we would qualify as Public At Large but it would be great if we could find someone that four wheels who would fit in one of the other types of category three. I will call Sherry in the morning.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I applied in Idaho 4 years in a row. I was denied three times and what finally got me in was qualifying for more than one use group. I did ohv and the useage of land I do with the Boy Scouts. The boy scout director here wrote one of the letters of recommendation for me and it worked. According to my BLM contacts that is the trick. Get qualified for multiple categories. I never got any explanation on my previous attempts. The BLM said they did not get any answeres from Washington either. I am looking for tips if anyone can help me be more effective. Our first meeting is in January.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I talked to Allison Vandeval in DC today. She said that it is up to the individuals state BLM people to make the choice. In other words it is a local decision. She also said a college degree was not necessary and that the more versatile you were the better which seems to be proven out by ID Bronco's statement about his Boy Scout connection. She suggested I contact Sherry Foot as she is probably the on that makes the first decision. Each time I applied I mentioned my 40 years Scouting, Rock Hounding and Four Wheeling with qualifications in two different categories and it did no good. I think I will try again next year and add letters from some politicians and Boy Scout officials this time to go along with the normal land use groups and Bishop.

As far as advice goes know what you are talking about or say you will find out, don't BS. The meetings are very formal and follow Roberts Rules. Know the rest of the people on the RAC and what their agendas are. Attend all field trips and Google search the people, areas, and what is being discussed. I learned these things by attending RAC meetings and as a negotiator while working for Northrop Grumman on the B2 stealth bomber.

I will contact Sherry Foot when she gets back Jan 6th.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Talked to Sherry today and since this is a public forum I do not want to put some of the things here so will only answer personal requests.

The bottom line; Fill out the form, list as many as possible positions you could fulfill and your experience that backs that up, get as many letters of recommendation as possible from many different sources.

The new required members list will come out in March. The last five recommendations still have not been signed by DOI Director Salazar so there will not be any RAC meetings until those have been filled.