Boondock Saints II


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Not good. Even though some of the same characters were in it, the other characters are poorly developed and acted, the dialogue is cheesy, and, well, it just wasn't a very good movie. Clearly trying to capitalize on the post-theatre cult popularity of the original.
I thought it was actually pretty good. Granted I went in with the low expectations assuming it would be cheesy and the story would like substance. I found it entertaining but not exactly a "good movie". It is a shoot 'em up comedy I don't know that you could expect it to be much more than the first was, which I enjoyed but also wasn't a very good movie.


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See, I thought the first one was awesome. Interesting characters, cool story line, not cheesy or overdone. It was a little out there I guess, but still far more reailstic than most of the other shoot-em up mob/cop movies out there.


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William dafoe's character was out there and crazy and I thought brilliantly acted. the new movie has some chick who tries to immitate him, and it isn't original, brilliant, or well acted.