Box Elder County - Shoshone Trail System


Sandy, Ut
Can anyone confirm this? We need to act now if this is the case...

I haven't confirmed this but if its true I would think some people would
be interested? I haven't heard of it elsewhere.

Dear Friends,
I write this e-mail with a sense of urgency. Most of you have been apart
of many years of efforts to promote the economic well-being of Box Elder
County and Brigham City. The Shoshone Trail System is an important part
of the economic plan adopted by Brigham City, however, a few landowners
have petitioned the county commission to close the Rocky Dugway and
Devil's Gate portions of the trail which would stop our ability to access
the Shoshone Trail System from Box Elder County. They claim trespass and
vandalism as their justification. While we acknowledge some of this
occurs, the large majority of the citizens use the trails responsibly.
If the landowners and the enviornmental groups supporting them win their
petition request, we will loose our public access. This means forever,
for our generation and our children to come. These trails have existed
for many years and lead to beautiful vistas and public lands.
I have attached the Standard Examiner article (today 2-5-05) for your
reference. As you read it you will see that Bret Selman, one of the
landowners is quoted saying: "we've got the ATV/OHV people outnumbered.
We can win this."
Bret may be right unless the citizens come out in force at the meeting to
prove him wrong.

Box Elder Commission chambers
Feb. 8, 2005
9:00 a.m. (come at 8:30 a.m.) to insure a seat.
Forest and Main St. (old court house)

The Mayors of Brigham City, Mantua and Perry do not support this closure.
Don't let them stand alone. Your voice is needed.
Whether you enjoy these public roads and trails or not, can you condone
the commissioners giving away to their friends valuable public property?

As the Chairman of the Utah Board of Parks and Recreation (which board
has formally endorsed the Shoshone Trail System) I can tell you that the
state and user groups are committed to taking the necessary steps to
reduce trespass and vandalism. We have grants available, education
programs and enforecement to help educate our citizens to protect the
natural resources, the private property rights of the landowners and
enhance the recreation opportunities. We can demonstrate numerous
successful examples of this around the state.

Please do not let a small fraction of citizens make this decision.
Please attend the commission meeting or send someone in your place.

If you would like further information, please email me. I encourage you
to forward this email to others who could help or come to the meeting.

Jeff Packer


Registered User
Box Elder Commission chambers
Feb. 8, 2005
9:00 a.m. (come at 8:30 a.m.) to insure a seat.
Forest and Main St. (old court house)

Are we a 'day late and a dollar short' on this one? Maybe this was a preliminary meeting and they will meet again before they decide the outcome???


Sandy, Ut
I'm just asking for more info (such as if this meeting took place, what is the issue, etc.)

Then, if it is the case, we can begin a letter writing campaign... :D