BRC Update - More Wilderness in Utah?


Well-Known Member
Forwarded from the BRC email. If you're not signed up to these alerts, subscribe.

More Wilderness in Utah? - UPDATED MEETING SCHEDULE

Greetings BRC members and supporters in Utah!
In our recent Utah Land Use Updates here and here, we told everyone about some important land use efforts BRC is involved in, including meetings regarding a process to consider federal land legislation including new Wilderness. We said that we would get the word out if the meeting times or dates have changed. And with this email, we are officially true to our word!

All three of Utah's U.S. House representatives, led by Rep. Rob Bishop (UT) have initiated a process to develop federal legislation aimed at addressing many of the contentious issues plaguing public lands management in six eastern Utah counties (Carbon, Emery, Grand, San Juan, Uintah and Wayne). State and local OHV groups are also participating in the effort, including USA-ALL's Mike Swenson and BRC's Brian Hawthorne. Utah state legislators and counties are very much involved as well.

Utah's Congressional reps and counties are holding public meetings in order to educate the public and also to take input on how legislation might solve some of the longstanding issues we are currently dealing with. Wilderness activists, resource companies, mountain bike clubs, hikers, equestrians, climbers and canyoneers are all viewing this as an opportunity, and you should too! Know this: if you are not at the table - your trails will be on the menu! We have the list for the updated meeting schedule here.

Don't let your favorite trail be your line in the sand!

Yesterday I received a call from a gentleman who lives just up the road in Blackfoot, Idaho. He said a new gate on a jeep trail on the Sawtooth National Forest was the last straw. He said his family enjoyed that road for decades and he was "drawing a line in the sand."
My heart broke as he described how he and his father used to enjoy the jeep road and how much of a loss it is to him and his kids. He said he was going to finally get involved and try to stop any more closures.

Too many of us let the loss of our favorite trail be the reason we got involved.

PLEASE! Don't let your line in the sand be the closure of your favorite trail.

We encourage OHV users to attend the these important meetings. As always, our Action Alert list will be your best source for up-to-date info. Tell friends, family and OHV buddies they need to subscribe today: Subscribe here.

Thanks in advance and, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact BRC.

Brian Hawthorne
Public Lands Policy Director
208-237-1008 ext 102

Ric Foster
Public Lands Office Manager
208-237-1008 ext 107
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Well-Known Member
The most important part, the meeting schedule, is kinda buried in that message. Here's the meeting schedule:

List of August Activities
Note: For each tour listed below, food, water, and transportation will not be provided (unless otherwise noted).

We strongly encourage attendees to be well prepared for high temperatures and long drives. Please bring
water, food/snacks, and other items you might need for a driving/hiking tour. All tours will be in remote, no-services available area. High clearance vehicles with appropriate tires are recommended. We strongly encourage attendees to coordinate carpools either before you arrive at the rendezvous point or before we depart for the day’s activities. Finally, each time listed is the departure time, so
please plan to arrive earlier than what is listed.

For questions or further assistance, and to RSVP for these events, please call Fred Ferguson with Rep. Bishop at 435-640-2623 or Wade Garrett with Rep. Chaffetz at 435-660-9292.

August 8
Rep. Bishop and Rep. Chaffetz Open House
Emery County
6:00p - County building in Castle Dale

August 8
Rep. Bishop and Rep. Chaffetz Open House
Emery County
6:00p - County building in Castle Dale

August 9
Rep. Bishop and Rep. Chaffetz Open House
San Juan County
5:00p - County building in Monticello

August 9
Rep. Bishop and Rep. Chaffetz Open House
Grand County
7:30p - Grand Center in Moab

August 10
Rep. Bishop town hall meeting
2:00p - Bingham Research Center

August 12
San Juan County Field Tour
Rendezvous in Monticello at the county building
12:45p - Destinations: Comb Ridge Overlook, Cave Tower Ruins, Fish Creek WSA overlook, Salvation Knoll,
Kane Gulch Ranger Station, Fuelwood Harvest Areas, Moki Dugway Overlook, Valley of the Gods

August 13
Grand County Field Tour
Rendezvous in Moab at the county court house
9:00a - Destination: Various locations and overlooks in Southwestern Grand County

August 14
Emery County Field Tour
Rendezvous south side of I-70 at exit 108
8:00a - Destinations: Chimney Canyon, Muddy Creek WSA and Crack Canyon WSA overlook
Note: For those that would like to make the 14th an all day excursion, Wayne County will host a tour beginning
from 1:00p until 6:00p. The rendezvous location will be at the intersection of Emery County road #926 and
Wayne County Middle Desert Rd. Emery and Wayne County staff will help ensure a smooth transition. For those that forgo a tour in Wayne County, Emery County staff will lead a caravan north to I-70 at the
conclusion of the Emery County tour.

August 15
Uintah County Field Tour
Rendezvous in Vernal at county building
9:00a - Destination: South central Uintah County
Note: Bus will be provided and can likely accommodate most attendees depending on the turnout.

August 15
Rep. Bishop town hall meeting
7:30p - Crossroads Cente
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Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Thanks Steve, I posted this on the U4 Facebook page and sent it to all the board members. A special thanks for listing all the meetings.