Brightest/best headlight bulbs

Aftermarket HID’s in factory housings is the WRONG way to go. The so-called “HID replacements” do not have the lighting element in the same position as the original halogen bulbs. Because the element placement is in the wrong position in the reflector the light pattern is distorted causing major problems for the other drivers on the road. HID’s should only be used in housings that are designed for their use.
I think more than an anything its the color of bulb you use with your HIDs. With both trucks i have had them in i have aimed them down a little further than normal. but out on the backroads traveling at night the high beams are AMAZING you can call me a douchebag if you need to thats ok but i have never once been flashed by an oncoming driver so that right there tells me I am not blinding them bad enough to cause them to flash me.

And if my lights blind you stop staring at them and watch the road .......
HIDs in factory housings tend to shine high thus pissing the public off. I know I am mad thinking the car coming towards me has their brights on. On a motorcycle guys just run tape over the top of the light about 1/4 of the way day.
I think more than an anything its the color of bulb you use with your HIDs. With both trucks i have had them in i have aimed them down a little further than normal. but out on the backroads traveling at night the high beams are AMAZING you can call me a douchebag if you need to thats ok but i have never once been flashed by an oncoming driver so that right there tells me I am not blinding them bad enough to cause them to flash me.

And if my lights blind you stop staring at them and watch the road .......

The ones that bug me most are these young punks who are putting the LED's in the clear tail lamp housings that you have to stare at when you are behind them at a stop light, my eyes get a bit fuzzy from them. As for oncoming traffic or cars behind me, the Jeep is too high to worry about it and my other car has E-code housings and bulbs bright enough to let people know they are idiots.
I'm the asshole that flashes my daylighters in the face of incoming cars with their brights (or HID's installed in the incorrect reflector housings) on.

If you don't like the brightness of my daylighters, then don't look at the front of my jeep when I turn them on to remind you that you're a dipshit ;)
If a cars lights are too bright, I flash them, if they hit me with high beams I respond with off road lights, but most aftermarket hids is stock housings suck for everyone else on the road.

Keep in mind, just cause you don't get flashed does not mean they are not blinding other drivers, they may not flash you due to the fact your high beams may blind them worse.
I'm the asshole that flashes my daylighters in the face of incoming cars with their brights (or HID's installed in the incorrect reflector housings) on.

If you don't like the brightness of my daylighters, then don't look at the front of my jeep when I turn them on to remind you that you're a dipshit ;)

that is funny
somebody sounds jealous they dont have HIDs......:rolleyes:

You may have missed the point.

HID's should have a beam cutoff like pictured below. HID's in halogen housings won't have a sharp beam cutoff, and flood light into oncoming traffic; so it's not just a simple re-aiming fix. Feel free to post a wall beamshot picture of your headlights.

I do alot of night driving and I'm not as apathetic toward 'driving etiquette' as some people.

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I have NO intention of doing hid in my factory housing. That I know.

I would love to get hids. I know they are way better, but way more too..

I will. most likely just get silverstar for now and look into hid in the future.

Thanks for all the info/replays.