bring it back...


somewhat damaged
I think as such a sensitive issue that it is better discussed behind the scenes (email groups) and not in general public. This screw up by one person can and will be used against all of us.

FYI - I was talking with the thread starter and he decided to remove it. If he want's it back we can bring it back... but as I said, I think this is better and cleaned up behind scenes.

It's so unfortunate that we have people that will do this kind of damage.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
was this the san rafael thread? I have the weeekend off and am willing to help. someone PM me some info


Sandy, Ut
Hmmm, hope it wasn't my comments that lead to the issue...

All I was getting at was that I didn't like the way a particular user group was pointed out... we are in the Land Use battle together, while it is easy to point the finger at the other guy... it doesn't do us any good.

great scott

Well-Known Member
If this is about the D/R issue can some one PM me some more details. I am working with the BLM on this issue and the more I know the more I can do. As of last night the BLM will not allow us to do any thing.

great scott

Well-Known Member
Still assuming this is about the DRT. It dose look like the work party will go on tommarow. I do not have the offical go a head, but every thing looks good at this point. We meet at the Ferron city park at 10am on sat the 17th.

great scott

Well-Known Member
It is offical! We are going to work on DRT tommarow the 17th. The meeting place is still under disput. So CCKC and more are going to meet at Gas N Go in Price by 8:30pm(no latter), then travle to Ferron city park(I do not expect to see any one here), then head to the north trail head of the DRT were we will meet a BLM officer who will be leading us for the day. We have some extra seats if you dont want to drive your rig all the way.


Formerly WJ ZUK
That'll learn ya to do something other than sit at your computer clicking on the new post button like a click monkey

I actually have never used the new post button, so ha ha. I just waste a bunch of time on here:p