Caanan Mtn. Court Date March 28th 9am


Sand Pile
St George Utah
I know this is short notice. Dan Jessops Attorney just called him and stated they have a court date at 9am in the morning March 28th. If you can make it or make some calls to give people heads up please do. I will let you know the outcome of the case.


Sand Pile
St George Utah
So it looks like Dan was found guilty for willfully ignoring the signs and going in a closed area. Funny that all the times I have officially been on Caanan Mtn on Search and Rescue operations' I have only seen a sign one time. See where this goes. Washington County is preparing to file a law suit agains the feds over Caanan Mtn Sawmill road. I think calls of support and emails would help let them know we are in support.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Yes we have heard this story before. Don, is there anything U4 can do other then writing letters of support?

That's about it. It's up to Washington County and the State to pursue title to this road.

We can let them know that we haven't forgotten their promises and that we want them to do as they said they would and aggressively pursue this in federal court.
Does anyone know Dan's personal disposition on this? Does he still have a big legal bill? What's the penalty/fine for the conviction?

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Does anyone know Dan's personal disposition on this? Does he still have a big legal bill? What's the penalty/fine for the conviction?

I'm not sure of the exact amount owed for the attorney, but it's well over $30,000. The original penalty was $300. I don't know if this has changed.

The ticket was in Dan's name, but it was taken to court for the benefit of all of us. Dan could have easily paid the ticket as many did before him and not fought it, but he stuck it out because many of us wished him to do so and he believed that doing so was the right thing to do.

Let's not forget and leave Dan holding the bag. Let's get the legal bill paid and move on.

If we don't, will any individual in the future dare to stand up for the rest of us like Dan did?
I believe I heard the judge say $125.00 I think the $300 was the original cost of the ticket but the judge changed it $125.00

I'm not sure of the exact amount owed for the attorney, but it's well over $30,000. The original penalty was $300. I don't know if this has changed.

The ticket was in Dan's name, but it was taken to court for the benefit of all of us. Dan could have easily paid the ticket as many did before him and not fought it, but he stuck it out because many of us wished him to do so and he believed that doing so was the right thing to do.

Let's not forget and leave Dan holding the bag. Let's get the legal bill paid and move on.

If we don't, will any individual in the future dare to stand up for the rest of us like Dan did?