Can anyone deliver a dirt bike from Boise to SLC for me?

$200 is cheap for someone to give up a beautiful Spring day to drive up and back to pick up a motorbike. How much would you lose giving up a day of work? Just saying....

Great point there, Janus. Like others with a memory here, I'd quote your hypocrisy verbatim, but you deleted the thread. There's hope there though--that shows remorse at being such a douche in that other thread, and your present post shows that you now understand what people told you then. That is progress!!! Yes! It DOES take time and money to help people!

You are really coming along!

To whoever needs this delivered, there are helpful people on Planet4x4, and you have a standing offer for retrieval from Idaho Falls. Sounds like you are nearly done having a problem. :D Good luck w/your new bike.
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I'll have to check out planet4x4. I'm waiting for my money to come in. That's why I haven't followed through on the offer yet. I appreciate all the offers and I'm not weighing my options or looking for a cummins that can bring it back getting 30 mpg. I'll take what I can get.
when are you going? This bike in particular is gone, but there's another one in Boise I like.

EDIT: the bike I like is in Denver. Thank you for the offer!
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