Caught a Coon...


Formerly WJ ZUK
I have known people that have had racoons as pets. They get into everything. It's those damn little hands. On the plus side you could teach it to open your beer:D


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Ogden, UT
After catching a few over the years here in Ogden, I would hose them down with water for hours at a time. They LOVE it! When you think they've had enough water, turn the water on harder! Best idea was to turn a sprinkler on them and leave it on for a few days. When they are good and pissed, dunk the cage in a garbage can of water! DEATH TO THE EVIL BEASTS!!!


Well-Known Member
Roy, UT
our last camp out in moab , we went for a hike out of camp , came back and a raccoon ate our lunch right out of my jeep . clever little buggers