CCL Class, anyone want to join?


Sandy, Ut
A few local Cruiserheads are going to take our conceled weapons class on Monday 12/12 ~6:30. Class is $70ish with fingerprints and photo, etc. LMK if you are interested in joining the class... :D

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
cruiseroutfit said:
A few local Cruiserheads are going to take our conceled weapons class on Monday 12/12 ~6:30. Class is $70ish with fingerprints and photo, etc. LMK if you are interested in joining the class... :D

I assume owning a handgun would be beneficial to completing the class, yes?


formerly "rckcrlr"
Most the classes don't even wnt you to bring your. Most the instructors have weapons with safety (fake) loads so the can make sure you can properly load and unload them.

My opinion, get your permit before they change the know they will :sick:


I Lean said:
I assume owning a handgun would be beneficial to completing the class, yes?

No, just one to shoot so they know you can handle it safely, you don't even have to really hit the target :rolleyes: . If you want to be able to pack semi and revolver you need to shoot both... although I never saw anywhere on the paperwork where it said that I shot both.


rckcrlr said:
Most the classes don't even wnt you to bring your. Most the instructors have weapons with safety (fake) loads so the can make sure you can properly load and unload them.

My opinion, get your permit before they change the know they will :sick:

Actually I think "shall issue" is here to stay. Infact they are working on passing a bill that will allow EVERYONE with or without permit to carry a loaded firearm in their car.

With that said, I think everyone should still go get their's soon :)

Here is a good quick reference site


cruiseroutfit said:
A few local Cruiserheads are going to take our conceled weapons class on Monday 12/12 ~6:30. Class is $70ish with fingerprints and photo, etc. LMK if you are interested in joining the class... :D

There is still a fee when you submit your application to BCI as well. I think it was $50-$60. They tell you it will be a couple months before you receive your permit from BCI, but I got mine within a week.

I would recommend this to any and everyone who is legal to carry.

When I took the class, I did not even shoot a gun. The instructor covered basic firearm safety and function, but there are so many different guns, you should know everything about whatever one you choose to carry.


I like traffic lights
Down Or'm
Meat_ said:
No, just one to shoot so they know you can handle it safely, you don't even have to really hit the target :rolleyes: . If you want to be able to pack semi and revolver you need to shoot both... although I never saw anywhere on the paperwork where it said that I shot both.

We didn't have to shoot anything. In my class, you had to show that you knew how to safely load, fire, and unload both a semi-auto and a revolver. By 'fire', we used snap caps to show how to load, then pulled the trigger (the firing part), then unloaded the snap cap. I took my class at the gunshow some years ago, there was no range to shoot a gun if we needed to. 50% of the class was when to shoot and when not to shoot. 35% was the legality of carrying a weapon, where you can and cannot carry, and the repercussions of when you actually do use the gun in self defense. 10% was how to effectively carry a weapon concealed. The last 5% was how to handle a gun. I wish Utah did a better job at that, requiring an accuracy test at least. While I do firmly believe that we are all entitled to protect ourselves and loved ones, even if that means the loss of another life, I don't want Fatty McButter pants over there spraying bullets at a bad guy when he can't even hit a watermelon at five feet. Either way, I carry 99% of the time. Like a seatbelt, it's there if I ever need it, but I hope I never have to.


I guess it is up to the instructor. Mine was a retired County Sheriff, he insisted on us shooting... and I took the class at a range.

I do find it odd that you have to pass an accuracy test to get a blue card, but not a CCW.


Registered User

PM me some details when and where the class is. I would like to attend with you guys.




no user title
Be glad that Utah at least covers when to/not to shoot, and how to carry . . . I just picked up my PA CCL. The only thing you need is $19, two people you know in the area (name, phone number and address), and a clean record. They use the BCI to find out if you are clear, take your picture, take the money, hand you your permit and call for the next person in line.
No mention of where you can/can't carry, safety, how to handle a gun, etc . . .


Sandy, Ut
Seems like things are very hectic with everyone this time of year (including the instructor) so I think it is going to be best to move it til' just after the New Year (make it a goal ;)). I am completely down for scheduling the guy, however I need some input on date/time from those of you that are interested... LMK :D




Monday & Tuesday, April 10 & 11
Concealed Weapons Permit Course
Register in person at Customer Service.
Fee: $40 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (both nights)

Monday & Tuesday, April 17 & 18
Concealed Weapons Permit Course
Register in person at Customer Service.
Fee: $40 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (both nights)


Registered User
West Jordan
enjoy that class it is my brothers partner that is giving the class on those days they do all classes for cabelas and they also do them at their store on every other sat. during the month go see the store they have some kickin stuff