Topic of Discussion Cleaning up after target shooting.

A cardboard... straw? That's kinda odd. Was it waxed or something?

It was a recycled paper, eco friendly piece of crap. It was very thick which made the hole very small and still got saturated very quickly. So it would have taken 5-7 of them to get through the drink which is totally worth one plastic straw.
I can't find it now, but Cody's Lab had an episode where he went out to a rock quarry probably on Stansbury Island and literally drypanned for spent bullets in the dirt, brought them back and melted them down to make a giant lead block. This thread reminds me I wanted to check on the price of lead...
I can't find it now, but Cody's Lab had an episode where he went out to a rock quarry probably on Stansbury Island and literally drypanned for spent bullets in the dirt, brought them back and melted them down to make a giant lead block. This thread reminds me I wanted to check on the price of lead...
It's expensive. There are no active lead mines left in the US and China is using a ton of lead for car batteries. My dad used to have a 4x4 screen and we used to sift bullets out of the dirt in the local gravel pit. Haven't done it since I was a kid but it was a blast back then.

In fact I just went down and cast 1k 115gr 9mm bullets this week at my dad's place. He only has a couple thousand pounds of lead left. He is an ammo/gun/reloading supply hoarder.

I have my 8 year old trained that brass is money that people just leave on the ground out west. Every time we go out exploring he picks up a coffee can full to match mine 2 or 3 cans.
He is an ammo/gun/reloading supply hoarder.

I believe he is just a prudently cautious man.

I don't like going to the range, myself. I do it when pressed for time. But the range sucks. I HATE muzzle brakes. Seems like I get them on both sides every time I go so then I just pack up and leave without getting the testing done I was there to do. Half the time somebody wants to chat me up because they don't know shit from apple butter and want to know about my rifles, when all I want to do is get my data recorded and get the eff out of there. And anymore, seems like you have to grow a huge beard, wear dark sun glasses and a flat brim cap, get bad "operator as ****" tattoos and pretend like you are Seal Team Six or some such shit before you can go to the range to sit there and spray bullets all over the place.

Going to the range sucks.

You need a private range Dave.

The "operator" thing is a little strange to me. When I was a teenager I shot IDPA and USPSA matches quite a bit. This was in the 90's. If you showed up to a match in camo pants with a molle rifle case, they would politely ask you not to come dressed like that again, the second time they wouldn't let you shoot. This was the fastest combat pistol and 3 gun guys in the state. They didn't want the image that they were trying to be Rambo, they just wanted to shoot, Fast.
You need a private range Dave.

The "operator" thing is a little strange to me. When I was a teenager I shot IDPA and USPSA matches quite a bit. This was in the 90's. If you showed up to a match in camo pants with a molle rifle case, they would politely ask you not to come dressed like that again, the second time they wouldn't let you shoot. This was the fastest combat pistol and 3 gun guys in the state. They didn't want the image that they were trying to be Rambo, they just wanted to shoot, Fast.

It seems like it started being a thing after the Iraq War. Everybody wanted to make a big deal out of how much they Support Our Troops, and then all the wannabe's decided that they wanted to be our troops, and now everybody's running around with tactical this and Molle that and Thin Blue Line/Molon Labe bullshit all over their rear window trying to be Delta Force.

Soldier worship is a weird thing.
Spent today cruising the West desert. Just because. Snow storm cruising. Area I haven't been to for a long time. But used to spend a lot of time in the 80s and 90s. The number and size of the shot up garbage galleries out there is just sickening. Saw a guy in a full size truck well off the road just burning donuts and tearing shit up just because I guess. Saw people blasting a tv or computer monitor. Saw broken glass and trash out the wazoo.

That place is so drought stricken, tore up, shot up, denuded and polluted it doesn't even resemble what it did 30 years ago. I don't figure I'll ever go back.
