

Formerly WJ ZUK
I went and saw cloverfield last night. All in all I thought it was pretty good, but just like areview I heard it was godzilla meets the filming techniques of the blair with project. The camera shakes the whole time because it's being filmed by a guy with a digital camcorder. The camera man was pretty funny though and some crazy alien spider things attack people after they drop down fromt the big monster guy as the miltary blasts it with missle and tank shells. After it was done I thought it was cool, but you never really see a good shot of the monster but still pretty exciting.


Formerly Beardy McGee
i'm stoked for this... my girl's gonna buy tickets around noon, for later tonight... anyways, i was under the impression that this flick would show in the IMAX... kinda let down to find out i was misguided :(



All that I've heard is that it's crap......but I'll have to watch it myself to see.

Some people, from what I know, have been getting sick from the hand held camera shakes as well ;) :rofl:


Formerly Beardy McGee
I was on the border a couple of times. Don't drink and watch.

there were a few times i had to look away to not feel wierd in my stomach...(just eaten at Matilda's... which was great food btw)

I liked the flow of the movie, it wasn't the same old cookie-cutter story line you get with 99% of movies that've been manufactured for the past 10 years


Formerly WJ ZUK
Overall it was good. There are a few segments that were just not plausible but I got my tickets worth.

Yeah monster movies are so unrealistic:rofl: The worst part I thought was the beginning where it just dragged on while they were filming the party, that cheick exploding was weird too.


somewhat damaged
We just watched it tonight. I enjoyed it until they killed the funny guy. Actually, it was a pretty good show. If you go to see it, make sure you pay attention to the ocean scene at the very end... seems many people missed that final clue.


Formerly WJ ZUK
We just watched it tonight. I enjoyed it until they killed the funny guy. Actually, it was a pretty good show. If you go to see it, make sure you pay attention to the ocean scene at the very end... seems many people missed that final clue.

dangit tell me now!!


Formerly Beardy McGee
pay attention to the ocean scene at the very end... seems many people missed that final clue.

i'm gonna have to go see it again... also, at the end of the credits there's a really quiet, short radio transmission or something... i couldn't tell what it sais though..

Matt Reeves has expressed interest in making a sequel, to explore other people who recorded their experiences during the monster's attack. He had added the end scene where in the background something fell in the ocean to specifically hint at a future exploration of the creature's backstory

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Formerly Beardy McGee


Man Flu Survivor
Some people, from what I know, have been getting sick from the hand held camera shakes as well ;) :rofl:

I am some people...
They should've handed out barf bags at the door. The "shaky cam" was disorienting to say the least.

I give it 5 out of 5 ipecacs. :sick:


Formerly Beardy McGee
it's funny to read those comments... for the reason most people disliked the movie, is why i did like it.. they are mad cause there's no information about the monster, and why didn't it die.. and bla bla... i'm glad it was realistic to the fact the military knew nothing about the monster, or how to kill it. IMO that's life... it's nice to see a cinematic adventure that decided to go against the grain...

I really enjoyed this movie.


Suddenly Enthusiastic
I'm stuck in Grand Junction tonight, so I just went to see this. I thoroughly enjoyed it! I thought the handheld video camera perspective absolutely made this movie. The camcorder kinda took the viewer and forced them to see the action from the perspective of one of the characters. It really brought you into the film. The story is almost identical to the latest Godzilla movie, and that sucked. It needed the shaky-cam to add realism to an otherwise unbelievable story. Top-dollar special effects combined with bargain basement cinematography is brilliant! Definately worth seeing.

I never fealt any hint of sickness, but if you're prone to that kind of thing I've heard it will help if you sit in the back of the theater.

The transmission that you hear at the very end after the credits says "it's still alive." I don't know if they could pull it off a second time from another perspective, but I go see it to find out!